
LittleDodo Free

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  1. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Oh, please. The “doom” trope…cute. The “I won’t be watching Our IX Lives” trope…cute. I’ve thought so all along. But when a fellow commenter begins a contribution with a 17-word quote, in Welsh, mind you..then goes on to say “For the benefit of the intelligent people…I will spend the next few days explaining what voting is like in Australia”…it gets to be a bit much. Especially after commenters before me, like Sirikit, called Robin arrogant..and many commenters politely asked him and others to keep politics out of here! This is meant to contain comments about a Comic Strip About CATS…not pedantic travelogues about Australia, not voting customs, and not politics. Turning a GoComics comment section into some sort of Lecture Hall is not appropriate..this is the wrong forum for such content, and an awful lot of us horrors non-posters are getting tired of being told to “scroll on by”.

  2. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Regarding your “message”…at no time did I use anything close to vulgarities in my comment. You, however, called me an “anal opening”. You must be so proud.

  3. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Oh Lord, now we’re speaking Shakespeare. Well, prithee forthwith and backthwith, MEthinks thee must remembereth that, for most of us, GoComics is not our entire world. I actually found that call-out to Sir Robin of Smug kind of cute. Now, to the pub…eyes of newt are on me!

  4. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Robin, I’ll agree with Sirikit and say here what many of us think…there is now a smugness in the ways in which you’ve responded to petit acknowledgements among your peers about relatively minor additions to your self-defined “role” in the comments section of an Internet comic strip. Disdainful arguments ad hominem aren’t “amusing,” Robin. Please take this over-developed persona of pseudo-sophistication to another forum. Enough with the politics already—we’re all sick of politics. (And oh brother, I can hear the posse forming already, to heave this card-carrying Orbster out of Doomtown for daring to open my mouth).

  5. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    When I was a kid growing up in the mts., I’d go outside after dusk, lie down in the grass, and “watch the stars come out” as the sky darkened”. Trying to count them one by one was fun at first..I could keep track in order of appearance until about star no. 20, which time all hell would break many would appear at once as to become uncountable. My daughter and I shared this fun as she grew up, and now I share it with my grandchild. Soul-soothing gifts from Mother Nature are all around us, and they’re free! So take your time, walk slow, breathe deep and sigh, smile, look around, and put your money back in your pocket. It’s all free. All the time.

  6. almost 5 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Long, long ago, some mommies and daddies really loved each other a lot and so they all got married and decided to have a party. They danced so hard that their fig leaves fell off, one thing led to another, and the Very First Orgy Ever was born. Soon after, so were a lot of babies…and thus the world began. So there.

  7. almost 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    He can put his patch under my bed anytime…:)

  8. almost 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News


  9. almost 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Tyrolean Chic

  10. almost 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I had a Kenyan friend in college who, when confounded by something he had been told, said “boy, that really made me think two times!” I never forget it…