but getting back to the comics….Ironically, when I read this last panel (about Bourne being on hold for an hour with his mobile provider) I am on hold with tech support for an electronic product, for one hour!
I always that it was funny that everyone “abbreviated” World Wide Web (three syllables) with WWW (nine syllables). Think of how much conversation time that abbreviation consumed!
I know he uses tons of makeup, but I didn’t know there is evil in his makeup. This could explain where he gets at least a portion of his ample evilness.
GK filed a patent for his new sweet wafer, calling it a Graham Kerrker, but during patent processing, it got misspelled. Hence today’s Graham Cracker. Definitely not Fake News.
Right. He didn’t want to be reminded that he himself is a cartoon character, especially if he’s reminded by another cartoon character. It’s just too much to take.
I mostly learn from the mistakes of those who followed my advice.