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  1. 7 months ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    For once I fully agree with Al Goodwin. Addiction to tech is a real problem. Children, adolescents lose their grip on reality. Kids with tendency for mental health problems are easy prey and their problems escalate. Big tech acts like the drug dealers of the past, except this is now in our living rooms under the cover of providing tech competences for a future digital generation.

  2. over 1 year ago on Bob Gorrell

    Nobody wants open borders, immigration is regulated everywhere; every nation MUST phase out oil production; lenient bail for the 6th January criminals is a republican thing – for others courts decide; people can identify with whatever they want, so what?

  3. almost 2 years ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Can an outright blatant lie still be considered “freedom of speech”? This cartoon must be removed.

  4. about 2 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    juxtapose unrelated subjects and themes cast in inaccurate or biased terms and then claim to have achieved the worst cartoon ever.

  5. about 2 years ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Exactly! Less guns would not solve mental health problems but would solve the problem of having kids killed at school. And it would solve the problem of kids killed at home by accident or killing members of their family by accident too.

  6. over 2 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    What has communism to do with this war?? Would Mr Gorrell please stop being lazy and do some homework?

  7. over 2 years ago on Gary Varvel

    This is beyond lazy. Mr Varvel, please do your homework, Putin, in his own words, is erasing the annoying autonomy, identity and territorial status given to Ukraine during soviet times. Also, communists have been in power in many places without killing anyone. And also the right wing autocrats have been in power in many places killing a lot of people.

  8. over 2 years ago on Clay Bennett

    I would love to know what all this tragedy of war, the war criminal Putin, the cognitively impaired Trump and his sycophants, what has all this to do with the hammer and sickle as a symbol of international communism.

    Putin does not want to restore the Soviet Union. He resents the Ukraine borders fixed during soviet times and he rejects Lenin’s idea of autonomy (“Obviously, one cannot conceive of a modern, truly democratic state that did not grant such [wide] autonomy to every region having any appreciably distinct economic and social features, populations of a specific national composition, etc.” Lenin, Critical Remarks on the National Question, chapter 6).

    Putin is thus an autocrat obsessed with making the (tsarist) Russian empire great again. No wonder the MAGA troupe gets along fine with him – that would be a far more insightful cartoon.

  9. over 2 years ago on Steve Breen

    1 decade to be precise, if Georgia is in Europe.

  10. over 2 years ago on Phil Hands

    70 years of peace in Europe??? Is that a joke? How could you fail to notice the war in the ex-Yugoslavia republics in the 1990s? How can you write off the bombing of Serbia by NATO in 1999, to effectively redraw boundaries against international law at that time?Russian ruling elite is atrocious, Putin is a fascist, but the UK, US, Swiss banks have always seemed quite pleased to take Russian oligarchs’ money and investment. You can’t be best friends with Russian money, hail Russian strong leadership, rely on their natural resources, while putting missiles at their door. Russian sense of impunity is a consequence of European and American adulation of Russian big money.