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29andcounting Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. 12 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    One of my cats always reclaims the top of the fridge when the vet comes for the semi-annual visit.

  2. about 3 years ago on Ten Cats

    What in heaven’s name has happened to Annie? Speaking as an extremely mature cat care taker, I think Annie suddenly stopped getting her hair done, has developed a severe overbite and really needs glasses. I’m surprised the cats can recognize her.

  3. over 3 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Heart disease discovered early isn’t that bad any more. Some of my kids had been on quarter tablets of clopidigrel for several years as a preventive for clots (and then strokes). As everyone says, reward, reward, reward, so he’ll never suspect you as just a pill pusher but the constant small food rewards through the day. I know you’re eagerly waiting to have your baby home. It’s so much easier to sleep if everyone is home in their beds.

  4. over 3 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    If Lup’s appetite is still somewhat spotty, I will recommend finger-feeding well-mashed pate food (I actually used a hand blender for a while) or mousse consistency. Easy to lap and my kids aren’t overwhelmed with too much food. (And it’s a great bonding experience for you to feel closer to your kid. Boy, do we need that when someone’s sick!)

  5. over 3 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Hoping for the best for your kid and you. It’s so alarming when theses things come out of nowhere and the cat is in such distress. At least draining the lungs provide immediate relief from pleural effusion and allow Lupin to rest. Will hope labs and ultrasounds will give you some answers and a safe course for recovery. Be sure to chuckle his chin for me when you see him tomorrow.

  6. over 3 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Okay, it’s that time of the year. I have my Kliban cat calendar and my Gorey cat calendar; will BCN be joining my wall of cats for 2022? Inquiring cat minds want to know.

  7. over 4 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    I aged out of Cathy, as I suppose Cathy Guisewite did as well. But with my own family I easily slipped into For Better or For Worse and Stone Soup as my morning smile before I started work. And since I’ve been retired 10 years, I suppose it’s understandable that it’s time for you, too, to experience this period of reward for your work. Let’s see—now I’ll have to check in to the cat strips for the morning smile. ENJOY YOURSELF!! You’ve given your readers a lot!