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  1. about 2 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    When I moved into my current house, we got a whole drawer full of keys. We don’t even know where a bunch of them go! Our front door does have a keyed deadbolt, but we hardly ever use it. The main key is a numeric keypad.

  2. over 2 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    My husband’s cat is really suffering, and she’s likely to pass away very soon. Please keep her in your thoughts to be comfortable and for the end to come quickly, to relieve her of the pain she must be feeling. I wish we could help her, but the vets in our small town are overwhelmed right now, and they sadly can’t fit her in.

  3. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Whether or not I enjoy getting books is dependent on several factors. One of my relatives insists on getting me “beautiful” books that I find invariably boring. Another, when alive, would get me books based on the classes I was taking in college during that holiday season. These were often (as is common in the college world) not classes I was interested in, but just ones I was required to take. My parents, though. My parents would get me books from series I loved, that I didn’t already have, or new authors in genres I was a fan of. Basically, I love reading. And I’ll read almost anything, but if you want me to love a present, get it from one of about 3 genres, and about 30 authors.

  4. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I have my lazy susans locked away because of the very nosy baby, but I’m really glad that none of the cats got in there!

  5. over 4 years ago on Sarah's Scribbles

    Me: Okay, time to watch Futurama again! Husband: You have it memorized. You’re the only one to get 10/10 at trivia. Me: And…?

    And this is not the only show like this. I also have MASH, and a few other things on repeat. My husband literally has to convince me to watch something new.

  6. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    My cat, Peek-A-Boo, was inherited when my grandmother passed away 7 years ago. She was named after her habit when Grandma first got her of hiding behind the washer and dryer in the laundry closet every time something new came along. My husband’s older cat Zyphrus was named for one of the Grecian gods of wind and the younger was named Hypaetia for a Grecian scientist who also happened to be one of the strongest women in ancient Greece.

    The only one of our animals I’ve been able to name myself is my dog, Oliver. He was named after Oliver Twist because my neighbor when I got him rescued him from a family that got arrested… and failed to feed him for several days before that. When I got him, he was 15 pounds underweight for his age and breed, and covered in ticks. It took two years to fully get rid of the ticks. Getting his weight up took much less time, but he’s the most food motivated dog I’ve ever met.