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  1. over 6 years ago on Shoe


  2. over 6 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Odd, my high school never had a problem as most of you have stated here. Open campus back in the mid 70’s. Look at the student parking lot and you could count a shotgun, rifle, or both in just about every pickup truck out there. I even carried a shotgun in the Indian Blanket holster on my front sit in my ’57 Chevy Belair. A different time when we had a first rate Rifle Club, hunted before school or after, or both, and were taught how to respect a firearm as a tool and know it was the human handling it that was always the problem and not ever the firearm.

    There is a reason for the second amendment, just read the Deceleration of Independence to see why. Do you really trust the officials in D.C. and your state houses to always do the right thing? Today’s budget approval should worry you some.

    The comic is very good, nice work, it got people talking. I see it in another light, the only way to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun. Did that not happen this week even though the girl did not make it? I have never believed in making our schools ‘Gun Free Zones’. It is not ‘gun free’ is you have an armed police officer on campus.

    And just to make sure everyone here understands were I am coming from, I do uphold the First Amendment. You and I don’t have to agree, we just have to talk freely and respect each other’s right to our own opinion and know we cannot force our view on another.

  3. over 6 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Odd, my high school never had a problem as most of you have stated here. Open campus back in the mid 70’s. Look at the student parking lot and you could count a shotgun, rifle, or both in just about every pickup truck out there. I even carried a shotgun in the Indian Blanket holster on my front sit in my ’57 Chevy Belair. A different time when we had a first rate Rifle Club, hunted before school or after, or both, and were taught how to respect a firearm as a tool and know it was the human handling it that was always the problem and not ever the firearm.

    There is a reason for the second amendment, just read the Deceleration of Independence to see why. Do you really trust the officials in D.C. and your state houses to always do the right thing? Today’s budget approval should worry you some.

    The comic is very good, nice work, it got people talking. I see it in another light, the only way to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun. Did that not happen this week even though the girl did not make it? I have never believed in making our schools ‘Gun Free Zones’. It is not ‘gun free’ is you have an armed police officer on campus.

    And just to make sure everyone here understands were I am coming from, I do uphold the First Amendment. You and I don’t have to agree, we just have to talk freely and respect each other’s right to our own opinion and know we cannot force our view on another.