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Recent Comments

  1. over 6 years ago on Sarah's Scribbles

    This is so true tho

  2. over 6 years ago on Sarah's Scribbles

    This is so relatable. Like, bras are so uncomfortable, I literally never wear them. Instead, I wear my oversized hoodie every day.

  3. over 6 years ago on Sarah's Scribbles


  4. over 6 years ago on Sarah's Scribbles

    My immediate thought upon seeing the last panel


  5. over 6 years ago on Sarah's Scribbles

    I only get mood swings.

  6. over 6 years ago on The Pigeon Gazette

    Oh my god I am trying so hard not to laugh because I’m reading this in class

  7. over 6 years ago on The Pigeon Gazette

    This…this is true…