
DaveBufalo Free

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  1. over 3 years ago on Luann

    I’m a nudist and a figure drawing model and a member of the American Association for Nude Recreation. Nudism isn’t about anything sexual or body image. It’s about body acceptance.

  2. almost 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I love this. This is what total freedom is like. There is hardly anything better than being outdoors , naked in the sunshine. One can be truly in tune with ones self. Totally sensuous.

  3. almost 5 years ago on Luann

    I’m a nudist. When I relate this to various people, the first reaction is usually a hearty laugh. So, did you laugh when Frank said “nudist”. I did.

  4. over 5 years ago on Luann

    This is exactly how my parents bought me tennis shoes when I was about 10 years old in the early 1950’s at the beginning of summer. They were made by Keds and were high topped. Mr. Evans is making an excellent point about how ludicrous the shoe options are these days.

  5. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    Luanaphile, You’re never too old. I’m 75 years old and I model. One instructor complained to me that most of the models were too thin, myself excluded of course.

  6. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    I really find all of these comments very interesting. I’ve been posing as a nude male model for about 6 years or so. I’m 75 years old and I’m certainly not muscular. I’m not fat, but I am a bit overweight with a bit of an expanded waist line. I model at 2 of the local colleges. Students for the most part are in their late teens or early twenties, although sometimes, there are students in their 50’s. All of the students were and are very respectful of the nude form.At my very first modeling session, the instructor told me to keep my clothes on, as the class would only be doing facial portraits. OK. So then I thought that my old body shape was not going to be acceptable as a model. At my second modeling session, the instructor was going to have me pose nude, but I had to ask if that meant totally nude and not partially covered. I didn’t want to surprise the class if some cover up was expected. The instructor said yes and then asked me if I was posing for the first time.At two different classes, I was the first live male nude model that the class had seen. There was one female student that seemed to be looking at a nude man for the first time, as she couldn’t stop smiling.Often times, I receive a round of applause from the class. Sometimes, students will thank me directly for posing for them. The feedback I get from students, instructors, and administrative people is that I’m one of their favorites models. (It must be my gray hair as I am far from being endowed.) I think I’m favored because I can hold a pose without moving for 20 minutes at a time. Also, my body wrinkles make for an interesting shadow lines.In the various frontal poses, no student has yet to depict male genitalia in its true form. The depiction is either left blank, as if the model were a female, or just scribbled in as an amorphous blob.Sometimes, if the instructor and the students approve, I’ll take photos of the students’ artwork for my own portfolio.

  7. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    T..Clark: I am model and during breaks, I tour the room and check out the art. I make it a point not to ever say anything. Sometimes the instructor may ask the class to go around and look at everyone’s art. Sometimes, I’ll take a photo of the art – everyone’s so as not to appear to pass judgement.

  8. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    It’s in our genes.

  9. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    Great pun !

  10. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    I am a nudist and a member of the American Association for Nude Recreation as well as a member of a local nudist resort. Nudism is about body acceptance and not about body image and nude is not lewd. It is truly invigorating to be naked in fresh air and sunshine and skinny dipping is the only way to swim.