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JupiterJones Free

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  1. about 6 years ago on Nancy

    I took it as a sarcastic meta-commentary on the minimalist artistic style OJ is using for the strip. The joke being that the last panel is NOT beautiful or finely detailed.

  2. about 6 years ago on Nancy

    Last panel to become a meme in 3, 2, 1…

  3. about 6 years ago on Nancy

    My theory? This mysterious “Olivia Jaimes” is Guy Gilchrist.

    He simply faked his retirement/dismissal in order to explore a style and tone he knew his own audience would never put up with and that, due to his existing artistic baggage, a new audience would only view with skepticism. Complete reinvention was the only way to achieve the creative freedom he longed for.

    Why else would “Olivia” never appear in a photo? Why would “she” need to have her voice disguised in the Sluggo Is Lit interview?

    Why else would her name anagram into “Moi? Jive Alias!”?

    OJ = GG!

  4. over 6 years ago on Nancy

    Sending snail-mail? How cute!

  5. almost 7 years ago on Jim Morin

    Yup. There’s no law (nor should there be) keeping ABC from canceling Roseanne or the NFL from fining players. We can argue over whether it’s morally correct or a good/bad business move, but the idea that anyone is being denied protection of their “right to free speech” here is absurd. They never had that guarantee in the first place, as that only applies to the government’s abridgment of free speech (not a TV network’s or a sports league’s).

    It’s a shame that so many people seem to have such a poor understanding of that concept.

  6. almost 7 years ago on Nancy

    @ResidentIdiot: Nancy, sinister? How gauche! :-)

  7. almost 7 years ago on Nancy

    Okay folks, this was really more a commentary on the amusing tendency of the Gilchristians to freak out about every change OJ has adopted in the process of making the strip her own. (Now I guess the thread itself may become a meta-commentary on the tendency of Gilchristians to freak out about comments about them freaking out?) Honestly, I assumed that OJ put the mouse on the left mostly just so she would be able to compose the frame with Nancy on the right and still have the mouse appear in it. Although MSJ’s comment that Nancy and Sluggo’s handedness may actually be canon is interesting!

  8. almost 7 years ago on Nancy

    The Gilchristians are really going to freak out once they notice that Nancy is apparently now left-handed.

  9. almost 7 years ago on Nancy

    The old history books definitely left stuff out. Heck, I have one from the 1962 that doesn’t even mention the Kennedy assassination, the moon landing, or Watergate!

  10. almost 7 years ago on Nancy

    I would totally shop at a bookstore called “Books & Books”