God is not female. God is life therefore is neither male nor female – or both. So it doesn’t matter which pronoun we use, but to only use the male one is misrepresenting the life-giving nature of God.
Yeah, why did God kill that poor fire chief who was in the way of those bullets? In fact why does God kill so many people each year using people’s firearms at all? Can’t She do it the old-fashioned way, with plagues, floods, earthquakes… oh wait…. that too….
The problem with spelling “lose” as “loose” (aside the fact that it is plain wrong and can cause confusion) is that it is a common mistake. Normally I ignore typos – make them too often myself, for a start – but this loose/lose thing is one of those trigger thingies. So on this one I am with some dude from FL.
We agree then :-)