
MartinDamary Free

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  1. 3 months ago on Andy Capp

    Well, fortunately for you (probably) and me (certainly), I am neither a US citizen nor resident; I am a member of a socialist party; I believe in equal protections for all under the law and, more than anything, the need for a fair and democratic political system in which policy discussions are based on facts. and in which opposing parties can respect each other, discuss their differences respectfully, and then, whatever laws are decided, respect those as well. I happen to live in a majority right-wing country, I don’t agree with many decisions but I am certainly not going to use weapons (which I don’t have) do defend “my” rights in the face of the democratic majority. I also hate giving lessons and here I go… haha. Respectfully yours,

  2. 3 months ago on Andy Capp

    “New Mexico had the highest violent crime rate of any state at 780.5 incidences per 100,000 residents, followed by Alaska (758.9), Arkansas (645.3), Louisiana (628.6), and Tennessee (621.6).” (which-states-have-the-least-and-most-crime)As for health care, we need a system that responds to the needs of common people, not of the the wealthiest; a system that ensures health for all because it is a human right, not a luxury.

  3. 3 months ago on Andy Capp

    You are too kind, thank you.

  4. 3 months ago on Andy Capp

    In a country with one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, closing prisons strikes me as a positive, and health care is always a positive, not only for its direct beneficiaries, but for the economy and the general population. Of course, if you think people should be in poor shape and not have access to care, you might not see things in that light.

  5. 4 months ago on Andy Capp

    Let’s get rid of terrorism, colonialism and apartheid

  6. 4 months ago on Andy Capp

    On a visit to the USA, a friend was sitting next to me and remarked on the sign that read “Thank you for not smoking”, which to us seemed rather quaint. Laughingly, he added, “Imagine, sitting here with your f**…” to which I objected, as it would have a rather different meaning than in the UK. Addendum: my comment is not allowed under the rules operating to words. Which proves my point. In the UK, a f** is simply a cigarette.

  7. 4 months ago on Andy Capp

    Err… did I say that? Actually I do believe that talking to the less extremists in armed groups can lead to a decrease in the potency of the more extremists, but that wasn’t what my above comment was about. As for brainwashing… when I was a child in the USA my teachers tried to make me pledge allegiance to your flag every morning. Americans are brainwashed into believing that their country is the best, the most democratic, the most peaceful etc etc. Rightly or wrongly, but the brainwashing is a fact.

  8. 4 months ago on Andy Capp

    I agree, sort of. Except that “terrorism” can’t be destroyed. That’s why the whole “war on terror” thing was an abject failure. Terrorism is the use of military or armed force to terrorise the civilian population. Some experts exclude States from the definition, so thereby, States can do what they want and it doesn’t count as terrorism. Others believe that the perpetrator is irrelevant. So depending on whom you listen to, the terrorists – whom you want destroyed too, I guess – are either only within various armed groups, or various States. I sincerely hope that we can, one day, limit or totally end the use of “terrorism” against civilian populations. It’s never justified. Neither morally, nor legally. And the best way to end it is to work for peace, for justice, for equity. Your greeting “Shalom” underlies that.

  9. 4 months ago on Andy Capp

    That’s a bit odd. Mostly it’s Americans killed by other Americans. So apart from the “anomaly” of 9/11, it’s not an issue, in relative terms.

  10. 5 months ago on Andy Capp

    Long winded and not too accurate.