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Recent Comments

  1. over 3 years ago on Overboard

    Louie is the brains of the outfit!

  2. over 3 years ago on Overboard

    Good one!

  3. over 3 years ago on Overboard

    I remember reading this 20+ years ago and am so happy to have found it again.

  4. over 3 years ago on Overboard

    I found it! September 15, 1997. Not sure if I can add a URL here. It’s even funnier than I remembered!

  5. over 3 years ago on Overboard

    Total long shot, but…. 20+ years ago, there was a strip where the captain was looking out the window, thinking, “Look at that icy, rough sea. You’d definitely get dragged down to your death in there…” and he muses on that for a panel or two. And in the last panel we see a salesman boring him to death with a lot of talk about which life insurance policy he should buy. Does anyone remember it?! I still laugh about that one. Thanks for all the years of happiness, Maestro Dunham.

  6. almost 7 years ago on Perry Bible Fellowship

    The term weaboo came from this very cartoon, but in a random sort of way. See KnowYourMeme for details. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/weeaboo?full=1