I rarely have trouble getting into the GC site, but at least 2 or 3 times today it refused to connect at all. VERY inconvenient today of all days, when I’m trying to catch up with Swan Eaters…finally got caught up, looking forward to the rest of the story!
Someone suggested turning it on to a station that doesn’t show any news. Supposedly it skews up the ratings. My sis tuned in Nick Jr. at home. She had to go to mom’s today, & she set the TV there to the Cartoon Network. I have NatGeo on TV with the sound turned all the way down & am listening to my Baroque music collection & checking in on TinyKittens & Furball Farm Cat Sanctuary on YouTube from time to time. So much nontoxic media, so little time…
My family moved to northern WV from sunny SoCal when I was 14. I HATED EVERYTHING about the place. When I first heard the song on the radio a few years later (after I’d escaped back to SoCal for college), I nearly barfed.
I just about can’t handle “used food” or foody messes of any kind from kids; even photos of foody-messy babies gross me out. I was SOOOOO glad my son was a neat eater! Right from the start, he wanted NOTHING to do with mushy baby food. I used to make meat sandwiches with thin-sliced bread & cut them up into little squares he could pick up & eat. He wouldn’t touch cut-up bananas because they were slimy, but if I split the banana with my thumb & broke the resulting strips into little pieces, he’d scarf them right down! He suddenly weaned himself straight to grown-up food at 10 months, & on his 1st birthday he stuck one finger in the frosting on his cake & HAD A FIT!!! I had to scrape the frosting off his piece & just give him the cake part. Good times…
I rarely have trouble getting into the GC site, but at least 2 or 3 times today it refused to connect at all. VERY inconvenient today of all days, when I’m trying to catch up with Swan Eaters…finally got caught up, looking forward to the rest of the story!