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it snowed here on Friday and I saw buds on my climbing peace that morning, and the cold will do wonders for my peach trees.
So, when is YOUR projected retirement date?
It’s been thirty years since I read Garfield.
Who doesn’t love empandas?
“Bark we all bow-wows of folly!”“Deck us all with Boston Charlie!Walla Walla Wash, an’ Kalamazoo! Nora’s freezin’ on the trolley, Swaller dollar cauliflower, an’ alley-garoo!”- Walt Kelly POGO comic strip
Mensch on a bench?
Must have a Speed Queen without the lid lock.
I always turn my pockets inside out when washing my clothes. Still, sometimes a bill will turn up in the dryer.
The ATM at Hell’s Cargo offers the choice of twenties, fifties, or mix.
Never put off ’til tomorrow that which can be postponed indefinitely.
it snowed here on Friday and I saw buds on my climbing peace that morning, and the cold will do wonders for my peach trees.