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  1. 4 days ago on FurBabies

    The English language puns itself once more…. I’m referring to the strip from the first anniversary of Fur Babies in which Floof asked Sirius if he is not coming, Sirius asks where and Floof answers they are going to a party, Sirius stops perplexed and asks: Are we coming or going? Well folks, here again the English language puns itself and creates confusion by itself…

  2. 5 days ago on Buckles

    My thoughts exactly, just don’t ask the Vogons to read you poetry.

  3. 6 days ago on FurBabies

    I understood some abstract concepts as early as 4…. I was once (age 4 of course) playing with my toys and stopped and began to look like I was in deep thought. My mother asked what was wrong and I asked: Is it true today is the yesterday of tomorrow… she was perplexed a 4 year old could say that.

  4. 6 days ago on FurBabies

    Perfect six year old answer. Wonder what little Sirius is thinking…

  5. 9 days ago on FurBabies

    Reminds me so much of Dante, the now 9 years old Lab mix. He likes to gaze at birds. Our first dog, Snoopy a Sprocker Spaniel (a truly gorgeous black and white sports Spaniel) loved chasing butterflies, when he was a puppy he’d chase the shadows and pounce on them as if trying to catch them. He also would “hunt” birds and jump like a spring to greet you. The rest of the time he would go “British”: sit outside in the shadow exactly like one of those old marvel lion statues and move only his head to gaze and get back in pose. Quite a “gentleman’s dog”.

  6. 9 days ago on FurBabies

    Stella c’est un gourmet quand elle mange, mais Shawn et Sirius sont gourmands. (Stella is a gourmet when she eats, however Shawm and Sirius are gourmands.)

  7. 15 days ago on FurBabies

    Buster Keaton’s silent independent and/or United Artists are the best. MGM tried to control his genius and torpedoed his talkies with bad casting and roles. He actually had a good voice and initially wanted to try the “newsound gadget” while other silent stars were with good reasons afraid of it: John Gilbert with a Lina Lamond’s situation (a voice that did not fit his roles) went from top star to nothing. And to make it worst the studio would not let him break his last contract made shortly before the advent of the “talkies” apparently since just before talkies were a definite thing he was trying to get to UA and go independent, so he was during his last years (late 1920s to mid 1930s) a captive of studio scraps (at least they did not let him go destitute but definitely they punished him by putting the nail in the coffin of his career, but before they went that route around 1928 to 1930 they did try a few lead roles in sound but his awful, scratchy voice ruined it, also they complained his acting was more suited to the old genre but from the analysis done later by film historians and critics since the late 20th Century that label was mostly slander, but the voice still left much to be desired so in part, not by skill since he could act, but nature John Gilbert, THE romantic male actor of the roaring twenties was doomed by sound technology. But after going far away, my apologies, this was not the case of Buster Keaton, he had a good voice and despite his “gag” comedy themes, in small short parts he proved he could act very well if given a good part, but since he was labeled a “rebel” by MGM management he never got his chance and kept getting clown type roles in bad screwball comedies that he was not suited to. It has been said if he paid attention to his friend Chaplin who warned him against joining a studio tellinghe would not fit in. Perhaps as an independent he could have gone to sound on his own terms and succeeded. But it was what it was.

  8. 20 days ago on Buckles

    He’s more of a lovable puppy pet dog than a biter.

  9. 20 days ago on FurBabies

    To be happy be wise like an owl, be as loyal as a dog, as clever as a cat and be a friend to all like a capibara.

  10. 20 days ago on FurBabies

    March may be the mad month (further down the South the madness begins in February and lasts into March)… however in Texas November to April is not a period of mad weather… it’s a period of insane weather and you are the one that goes mad….