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  1. about 1 year ago on Close to Home

    Make sure Culpepper keeps his hands off it this time.

  2. about 1 year ago on Luann

    This is beginning to look like a plot to a Hallmark movie. What happens next?A knock on the door. A young guy is on the other side. He is someone that has gotten stuck in the snow or the nephew of the CFO that has the lodge or someone else.You got the idea.

  3. about 1 year ago on Luann

    Touching me…touching you. What happens tomorrow? Do they need to be separated?

  4. about 1 year ago on Luann

    “Don’t drive like my brother”

  5. about 1 year ago on B.C.

    As a guy have you ever felt you’ve said too much? Although, either way you’re in trouble.

  6. about 1 year ago on Garfield

    Wouldn’t the goat eat the mistletoe?

  7. about 1 year ago on Wizard of Id

    I thought he was determining how long it takes for chestnuts to pop next to that fire.

  8. about 1 year ago on 9 to 5

    If they change some committees to sub committees that report to a specific committee does that count as reducing the committees? I suppose we need to run that through the rules committee to determine..

  9. about 1 year ago on Pickles

    Would you rather do dishes often or let them pile up and do a lot of them? That’s the difference between my wife and I.

  10. over 1 year ago on Luann

    Next panel, if there was one, “Right turn Clyde”.