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  1. 7 months ago on Clay Jones

    Name of other site, please?

  2. 7 months ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Republican Platform, continued. 14. No free press.

    GOP politicians don’t care about the environment or mitigating climate change because they intend to stay permanently in office and use their money and power to take over remaining livable locations as environmental conditions worsen. Republican leaders don’t care if America dies as long as they can feed off the carcass for their lifetimes. How many Americans would have to die or be virtually enslaved in jobs with less than living wages for this “platform” to work? Why do you people who support today’s GOP, Trump, and Trump wannabes think that you will come out winners under this regime? NEWS FLASH! Donald Trump does not know you exist. If he did know you exist, Donald Trump would not care about you, except as a mark to give him donations and your vote. You will never be invited to Mar-A-Lardo for dinner. Donald Trump does not care about America, except as a place to aggrandize himself, swan around, and lead a life of luxury. Think long and hard before sending him your money or giving him your vote.Don’t be fooled! Trumpublicans have figured out that they can say one thing when running for office (and they’ll say whatever they think you want to hear), and if elected, promptly do nothing at all or the opposite of what they promised. Yes, they have learned they can constantly LIE without consequences to get your vote and then do whatever they want, just like Trump. So, again, think long and hard before you vote for a Trumpublican. There are more of us than them, but we MUST ALL VOTE. Vote Blue up and down the ticket, and never miss an opportunity to vote. Do not abstain from voting, because abstaining is effectively a vote for Trump. Biden is not perfect, but he is worlds better than DJT. All of these points have been gleaned from reputable news reports, but I’ve stopped providing links because GoComics makes it difficult, and also because the trolls won’t use them anyway

  3. 7 months ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    I’ve been warning about this for 5 years, and here we are: LISTEN UP AND VOTE BLUE. Here’s the Republican “platform.” They won’t write it down because too many voters might read it, so I did it for them. Despite being in the minority, members of the SCOTUS, “Conservatives,” RWNJs, and white supremacists are attempting to drag this country back to their imaginary Jeffersonian agrarian idyl. The 1790 census (when Jefferson was Secretary of State), counted 5.3M Americans. Only white males owning 50 acres or more of land were permitted to vote, approximately 6% of the population. Free white men who did not own land, free white females, and slaves could not vote. In 1790 the American population was largely rural, making a living by farming. Our most recent census counted 332,403,650 Americans. Current estimates are that 83% of Americans live in urban areas. They do not work at farming. In pursuit of “small government,” the following are conservatives’ goals for their Jeffersonian America:

    1. No women’s rights.2. No civil rights for people of color, or for any other minority groups.

    3. No immigration, other than Caucasians.

    4. No labor unions.

    5. No health insurance.

    6. No legal recourse due to Republican-packed courts.

    7. No social security.

    8. No disability insurance.

    9. No minimum wage.

    10. No free and fair elections (ultimately, no elections).

    11. Imposed state religion; government (read that taxpayer) funding of religious schools.

    12. Unregulated militias unchecked by Republican-packed courts.

    13. No work on mitigating climate change; no environmental protections. Continued…

  4. 7 months ago on (th)ink

    Good one, Mr. Knight.

  5. 7 months ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Except that our country actually IS doomed if Trump is re-elected.

  6. 7 months ago on Mike Lester

    The Cons are all of a sudden leaning heavily into Lincoln’s then-Republican party freeing the slaves. Don’t fall for it. A Trump administration will be an equal opportunity enslaver. Vote Blue up and down the ticket.

  7. 7 months ago on Clay Jones

    Well, it will be interesting to see what happens to GoComics readership. I predict it will decline seriously. Since they sell ads based on clicks/eyeballs, this seems like a classic management shooting itself in the foot maneuver. That said, MANY THANKS to all the rational people here who have researched and posted comments that have educated and amused me over the past years. Remember to vote blue, up and down the ticket. Thanks, Clay, and take good care of Pizza Rat!

  8. 7 months ago on Chip Bok

    Well, it will be interesting to see what happens to GoComics readership. I predict it will decline seriously. Since they sell ads based on clicks/eyeballs, this seems like a classic management shooting itself in the foot maneuver. That said, MANY THANKS to all the rational people here who have researched and posted comments that have educated and amused me over the past years. Remember to vote blue, up and down the ticket, and thanks again.

  9. 7 months ago on Bill Bramhall

    On average, they are larger, which is helpful to present a larger target when protecting someone, or hustling a gesticulating tub of lard off a stage.

  10. 8 months ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    You mean, Hannibal Lecter didn’t traverse the Alps with elephants?