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  1. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    I think someone here suggested that the inner circle seemed to be possibly afflicted with a form of the Schism Syndrome. And just as Jim the racoon completely flaked out and thought he was God, these people seemed to have gone off the deep end in a similar fashion. But they don’t appear to have thought out the problem very far. For one, harvesting animals is, in many ways, a waste of of resources since doesn’t it take about 10 pounds of beans to produce 1 pound of meat? Secondly, according to the lizards in Unity, only 1 out of 200 eggs were lizard embryos. Which, in a population like Endtown of 7000 people, means that only 35 would likely be pigs. And of those 35, not all decided to go whole hog and fatten themselves up for slaughter. And you certainly can’t wait around for them to breed and produce a new generation to slaughter. So we are talking about a rather limited run of sausage, etc. (Side note. Where might they be getting spices to season this meat, barbecue sauce, and proper wood to smoke it with?) And with such a small target of victims, it should not be all that difficult to see who is surveiling this small group of sacrifices, not to mention that with a small number of news outlets, finding out who is feeding spurious articles into them should not be that difficult to determine.

    And while maybe the “pigs” could be convinced that they were somehow unworthy and should somehow sacrifice themselves for the good of the colony, would that same psychological attack work on other groups of potential victims?

    Also, wouldn’t the inner circle likely be composed of carnivores (or possibly omnivores?) So herbivores like Justine would not likely be villians, thus narrowing the possible group of potential bad guys.

    Plus the inner circle can’t be very large because the more there are, the more likely they are to be noticed.

    So it strikes me that recruiting the fish and herbivores to do some sleuthing might be a good way to pick out the bad guys.