After being a patient there for 7 years, Mayo Clinic now will not accept me for further appointments, because they no longer are contracted with my Health Partners insurance. So come Jan 1st I’m switching to “non-profit” Blue Cross/Blue Shield, which they are contracted with, and it’s much cheaper. We’ll see in a couple months if Mayo will take me back.
My wife and I did kidney transplants (donor > recipient). Now Mayo Clinic forbids us to use Nsaid drugs like Advil or Ibuprofen, all the good stuff that really works, but very damaging to kidneys.
I agree with Auntie. On Saturdays there are three college football teams that I would like to follow, and on Sunday there are four NFL teams I would like to follow. With so much else going on, I’m lucky if I can watch one game on each day.
A while back during the oil boom there was a movement in North Dakota to drop the “North”, and South Dakota strenuously objected.