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  1. over 2 years ago on Sarah's Scribbles

    You miss the whole point. Its idiotic. It would be different, if you have to choose before you buy it, because then you can chose between a model, which have it and one, which does not have it. That way, it is already there, and some software defines, if you can use it, or not. The best logical solution is to visit a car-doc, which does put in a software, which overrides the whole “you can only use it, if you pay”-thing. Next thing would be to let customers pay for something like a security-bundle: airbag is only working, if you pay for it monthly. ABS, rain sensors, heating, and and and. It is only accessable for people, which will pay for it additionally. Only fools will pay for a solution, which only let you use it after having paid a monthy subscription fee.

  2. almost 3 years ago on Endtown

    What is strange for me at the moment is, that on Firefox there is only a white screen. No picture. On Edge and other browsers you can still see the comic.

  3. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    And why should a duck not be able to be the butcher?