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Sir Toby Free

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  1. 4 months ago on Pluggers

    Actually there are a ton of ways to mess with in person voting. Turnout can be affected by: Having different staffing levels and different numbers of machines available, can influence how long the line is. The whether the line is sheltered and inside or outside in the weather. Legally if you are in line when the polling place closes you are still supposed to be allowed to vote, but that is also site specific.

    Voting by mail is far, far superior.

  2. 4 months ago on Pluggers

    I’ve voted by mail in every election this Century. First in Colorado then in Washington.

    It’s awesome, I love being able to sit down at the kitchen table with my ballot and my laptop to research all of the down ballot candidates and initiatives.

  3. 4 months ago on Pluggers

    In WA and other vote by mail states, you now get stickers in your ballot envelope. Depending on what time you drop your ballot off in a drop box there will often be an election worker there handing out stickers as well.

  4. 4 months ago on Pluggers

    I first started seeing them in the late ’80s or early ’90s. America has always had worse voter turnout than all the western style Democracies, and I think they were seen as a way of encouraging others to vote. Not encouragement to get the sticker, but by having people see the stickers and be reminded of their civic duty.

  5. 7 months ago on The Meaning of Lila

    A 10-year old strip that could have been written 20 years ago, is still just as relevant today. And it will still be just as relevant 10 years from now.

  6. 8 months ago on Jen Sorensen

    If the Democrats had kept half of the seats they lost in 2020 Hakeem Jeffries would be speaker of the House Today.

    The reason the Democrats lost the NY seats in 2022 is because the progressive NY Legislature proposed a map that the NY Courts ruled unconstitutional, the resulting map created the competitive districts that allowed the likes of George Santos to edge out victories.

    Oh and speaking of the 2022 midterms lets not forget the OR-5, a swing district where Progressives successfully primaried the moderate Democrat incumbent Kurt Schrader only to have their candidate Jamie McLeod-Skinner lose the seat to a Republican, helping the GOP win the house.

    Outside of Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, and some parts of NYC progressive policies just aren’t very popular with the American electorate. Running up the vote in California might be nice, but Biden’s election might come down to the Nebraska 2nd (Nebraska dives up Electoral votes by district).

  7. 8 months ago on Jen Sorensen

    Jen, Progressives turned the 2020 elections from what should have been a monumental Blue Wave into a near disaster for the Democrats.

    Because of the riots the Democrats lost 2 easily winnable Senate seats in Maine and Iowa, lost 15 total house seats, it took two miracle finishes in Georgia to even tie the Senate, and the Electoral College vote was far too close, fewer than 75,000 votes in PA, GA, AZ, or MI could have swung the election to Trump.

    And all this after 4 disastrous Trump years, and his complete bungling of a worldwide pandemic. 2020 should have been the election that buried Trump and the GOP for decades, instead, thanks to progressives spending the summer lighting fires in Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis, the 2020 election was frighteningly close.

  8. 8 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin is absolutely the prototypical Millenial.

  9. 8 months ago on Luann

    Toni’s right there in the first and last panel.

  10. 8 months ago on Luann
