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  1. 5 days ago on Jen Sorensen

    If the Democrats had kept half of the seats they lost in 2020 Hakeem Jeffries would be speaker of the House Today.

    The reason the Democrats lost the NY seats in 2022 is because the progressive NY Legislature proposed a map that the NY Courts ruled unconstitutional, the resulting map created the competitive districts that allowed the likes of George Santos to edge out victories.

    Oh and speaking of the 2022 midterms lets not forget the OR-5, a swing district where Progressives successfully primaried the moderate Democrat incumbent Kurt Schrader only to have their candidate Jamie McLeod-Skinner lose the seat to a Republican, helping the GOP win the house.

    Outside of Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, and some parts of NYC progressive policies just aren’t very popular with the American electorate. Running up the vote in California might be nice, but Biden’s election might come down to the Nebraska 2nd (Nebraska dives up Electoral votes by district).

  2. 5 days ago on Jen Sorensen

    Jen, Progressives turned the 2020 elections from what should have been a monumental Blue Wave into a near disaster for the Democrats.

    Because of the riots the Democrats lost 2 easily winnable Senate seats in Maine and Iowa, lost 15 total house seats, it took two miracle finishes in Georgia to even tie the Senate, and the Electoral College vote was far too close, fewer than 75,000 votes in PA, GA, AZ, or MI could have swung the election to Trump.

    And all this after 4 disastrous Trump years, and his complete bungling of a worldwide pandemic. 2020 should have been the election that buried Trump and the GOP for decades, instead, thanks to progressives spending the summer lighting fires in Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis, the 2020 election was frighteningly close.

  3. 7 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin is absolutely the prototypical Millenial.

  4. 11 days ago on Luann

    Toni’s right there in the first and last panel.

  5. 11 days ago on Luann


  6. 11 days ago on Luann

    Toni really needs to have the custody agreement reworked, and take full custody of her daughter. It’s obvious Jonah wants nothing to do with Shannon, and I’m sure Brad would rather have Toni’s ex completely out of the picture.

  7. 4 months ago on Jen Sorensen

    I thought the idea was to electrify the entire fleet to move away from fossil fuels?

    Wouldn’t that mean electric Kenworths and electric locomotives? Heck here in Washington we’re converting some of our ferries to electric/hybrids.

    Of course to generate the kind of electricity we will need to have fully electric transportation we also need to build a massive number of nuclear generators.

    What I don’t understand is why more climate activists aren’t also calling for new nuclear construction….

  8. 4 months ago on Luann

    Shouldn’t Toni be having this conversation with Brad?

  9. 4 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    You realize of course that before the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and Nixon’s establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency the Cuyahoga River, and other rivers in the industrial midwest, were so polluted that they regularly would burst into flames.

  10. 5 months ago on Jen Sorensen

    Progressive’s love affair with criminals really plays well in Peoria. I’m sure it doesn’t at all affect the make-up of the United States Senate, the United States ouse of Representatives, or the outcome of Electoral College votes.

    The absolute least of our concerns should be the fate of felons.