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  1. over 2 years ago on Nancy Classics

    There aren’t many leaves falling on the other side of that fence.

  2. over 2 years ago on Peanuts

    Snoopy, maybe you should poke a hole in that letter so you can hold it closer to your eyes.

  3. over 2 years ago on Peanuts Begins

    Lucy is so unsettling.

  4. about 3 years ago on Peanuts Begins

    I’ve a handful of friends and acquaintances like that—always referred to by first and last names.

  5. about 3 years ago on Peanuts Begins

    Kind of like when my friend growing up told me about heat lightning (didn’t believe him) and when I told him I thought water would freeze if the temperature stayed 33 degrees for long enough (he disagreed). He’s now a doctor.

  6. about 3 years ago on Peanuts

    Way to go, Joe!

  7. about 3 years ago on Nancy Classics

    As my grandma from Kentucky would exclaim, “Pawn my word!” (At least that’s how I heard it — more properly written, “’Pon my word!”)

  8. about 3 years ago on Peanuts

    Next, practice saying Doc Severinsen.

  9. about 3 years ago on Nancy Classics

    It looks like Super Mario is driving that steamroller.

  10. about 3 years ago on Bozo

    Hi, mreardon53. I just stumbled upon Bozo this week. Really enjoying it. I’m planning to drop in daily.