I have a huge love for Sci-Fi Movies, TV Shows, and Video Games
I still can only hear Randy’s voice from the Nickelodeon cartoon when I read his words.
This is why I eat my cereal dry. The soggy texture makes the cereal taste gross.
Nothing like being bad at your job on purpose. lol
cue the Big Nate Is Sus meme
Twist: Miranda is Chester’s little sister
I still can’t help but think of Randy’s voice from the cartoon when I read his dialogue.
Sure. But comics are highly regarded as a form of art. Surely people are gonna have expectations on them.
Is making fun of fat people still funny?
April 02, 2004
Well, Nate did ask Mr. Galvin if the class would be looking at naked women in one old comic.
I still can only hear Randy’s voice from the Nickelodeon cartoon when I read his words.