
TylerColtraine Free

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  1. almost 4 years ago on Endtown

    “We’re going to have to use the manual override!”

  2. about 4 years ago on Endtown

    (Also must note: interesting positioning for our Topsider friend there in panel one, particularly with what we know is going on else-compound…)

  3. about 4 years ago on Endtown

    32 characters, the found seven doubles and they’re looking at six more (counting Benny and Holly), and we know about a couple others like Allie. If the advert from 12/25/20 is anything to go by, we’ve also seen “expys” for Irving, Heather, Petey, and I think Kirbee (the hillbilly lizard there would translate from hippy dippy lizard through the lens of the 1950s pretty well). That’s 18. I wonder who the other 14 could be, if anyone? Several from the advert don’t have equivalents I can think of: the hunter, two birds of some sort, and two dogs in military kit who aren’t Duffy and Bennie.

    And while going back over old pages, I’ve started to notice just how much more like his four-colour equivalent Wally’s become in the last couple years. Cracked indeed.

  4. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    Mmm. A brush with madness.

    Wait, does this mean the brushes can escape this reality through the portals all over?

  5. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    Linda Kowalski, yes (ah the punny names). I don’t recall any children, but it’s been a rather long time since she was introduced. The “very old” idea falls a bit flat now that I’ve thought of how many characters pre-date The War—Gustine, Al, Wally, Flask, Sparkplug, Holly, Kirbee, Doc Badger, the head of Security in Endtown, on and on.

    But that gives me other thoughts:

    Just how long has it been since The War? The planet’s devastated and scavenged, the Topsiders and Endtowners have had enough time to establish their separate societies, yet countless people from pre-War Earth are still alive and well. Does the comic book influence stop the residents of the Cardoodles-Earth from aging? And if that’s the case, does preventing the ‘mutation’ mean the Topsiders have aged considerably, or is this an Amesworth from another reality? (Or, as someone else suggests further down, do these suits literally preserve a body like a shrunken head, leaving them a sort of pickled person?)

    The bizarre corner of my head wonders if this entire reality is ‘scripted’, and no one dies until the ‘script’ calls for it. Since the Topsiders aren’t part of the ‘script’, they’re stuck until one of the Mutants causes their timely death.

    If not, I’m writing this down so I can use it later.

  6. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    She looks dead, yet not. Lipless mouth, rotted teeth, what may be a collapsed nose devoid of cartilage…is that suit keeping them alive? How do they eat through that suit, or anything else for that matter? What does being sealed away like that over the long term do?

    Doesn’t Amesworth pre-date The War (Amesworth Radiation definitely does)?

    …have we ever seen Topsider children?

  7. almost 5 years ago on Endtown

    Further gazing and thought, I now posit a different idea:

    This is Wally, Duffy, Alan (the elephant), and Amesworth. The hair doesn’t line up with Kirbee’s, so I unless somehow it’s Flask, Amesworth is one of the few who fit the profile. As for Duffy it stands to reason that he wasn’t so tall as his brother as a human, but merging into the Cardoodles character gave him a to match, as the cartoon overrides the human in every case we’ve ever seen. (We’ve never heard how much older he was.) I could posit it’d have to be them, as otherwise there’d be two instances of the same person in one dimension. Causality and all that.

    How or why Marx has taken human versions of the team to this reality, anyone’s guess.

  8. almost 5 years ago on Endtown

    I believe he’s the only one of any plot significance. There’s been children in and out of the action but not in any major role, other than Chic, Duffy, and Duffy’s brother, and the latter two were Cardoodles, implying they were born pre-Event.

    The problem with rectifying the timeline here is it’s not just timey-wimey, it’s siwshy-swirly, spinny-winny-go-fast, and just the slightest bit wobbly around the last few turns. It’s a Gordian Knot and here I am without a sword.

  9. almost 5 years ago on Endtown

    Of course I say “how could that be Wally”, only to remember there’s no human iteration of Chick either, as he was born post-event. Hrmhrmhrrrm.

  10. almost 5 years ago on Endtown

    Looks to me a bit like Wally and Chick. The tall one in the back doesn’t ring any bells, has something of a Flask like air about her, or maybe it’s Kirbee who we’ve not seen pre-lizard-being. As for the one in the high trousers and bow tie, I’m at a loss. I would say Al, perhaps, but the Al we’ve seen is the Al there is, so I doubt that’s the case.

    ..unless that’s Irving…

    I don’t know about Wally off-hand tho; it seems a bit like it’s people still in this dimension (those are the waterspouts just before Wally et all leaped out and time froze), and Wally’s not there anymore.

    I hate weekends sometimes.