
S&C = Dismayed&Depressed Free

it's still little old me. .SadandConfused....Getting older by the day. But with way too many disappointments... So this is the same old me... getting older and sadder every day ..and more decrepit.

Recent Comments

  1. 9 days ago on ViewsAmerica

    Hmmm? Lemmings over a cliff? GOP dragged behind as the dRumpth spouts more b s at being convicted by a jury of his peers? (Except we know that ol’ donnieboi doesn’t believe that he has any peers, mmmm, maybe Putin or Xi or Kim his heros, but they think DJT is a joke) Do you think his bad mouthing the judge is going to keep him from being held accountable for breaking the law?

  2. 11 days ago on Rob Rogers

    Yeah, he committed suicide in his Wolf’s Lair bunker rather than surrender to the Allies and face retribution for his ear crimes.

  3. 11 days ago on Rob Rogers

    My father is rolling in his grave!!! All the surviving children of WWII veterans should rise up and knock that orange slime off the ballots. Our father’s (and our mother’s) were not losers and suckers. They knew that freedom is paid for through blood, sweat and tears. They knew that standing and fighting against tyrannies and fascism was much, much better than wimping out. (Bone spur deferments are wimp-outs). Fools and cowards can wimp-out and lie to themselves. The rest of us know that we need to take a stand.


  4. 11 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    Oh for the good ol’ days. Pre 2016 are now officially the good old days. When doctors were allowed to practice life saving medicine, when sex education and birth control were the best anti-abortion measures. When we were working to become a more humane “we are the world” feeding and caring for the world. When we hoped to achieve a saner world with human dignity for all people and it looked like we really had a chance to do it. Oh, yes indeed. The good ol’ days!!!

  5. 14 days ago on Matt Davies

    Yeah, only if it had been available over 50 years ago. “Mifeprex” would have prevented this malicious virus from becoming a virulent disrupter.

  6. 16 days ago on Matt Davies

    Listen when an evil person tells about all the evil things have planned.

    Be afraid, be very afraid!!!


  7. 18 days ago on Matt Davies

    Reality sets in. We are never gonna be free from this orange scumbag until we vote e every magat and cult embracing GQP out of office.

    VOTE BLUE!?!



  8. 18 days ago on Matt Davies

    Sadly, we will be denied what should really happen. He’ll probably wriggle his way out with a gentle tap on the wrist.

    Heck, I was all set to set off celebratory firecrackers, Then re

  9. 19 days ago on Matt Davies

    More questions to be asked. "can he appeal to judges he himself appointed? (Please make that a “NO”) Is there any way to revoke judgeships if they have been appointed by a convicted felon? (Please make that a YES) Can judges so tainted be legally, forcefully required to recuse themselves? Can the political backlash of a former president convicted of felonies require the investigation into all judgements made by tainted judges?

    Could we be looking forward to a restructioning of and implementing of an ethics overhaul? (Fingers crossed) Our founders would have put more stringent oversights into the constitutions if they could have foreseen that a “cult of personality” could emerge subvert to twist and foul the three branches of our government.

  10. 19 days ago on Matt Davies

    Now we wait for the sentencing. Will he or won’t he serve time behind bars, and if that’s a yes, how soon?