
MarkBush Free

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  1. about 6 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    Domestic cats can not purr and roar. But the depicted cat is a lion. I know from personal experience that lions and tigers can do both within seconds of each act. In fact all the big cats except the cheetah can. The Ocelot can not, but it can yowl and it is loud as hades. Also it can sound like a human baby crying.

  2. about 6 years ago on Baby Trump

    I actually enjoy these anti Trump comics. They are funny. This one was posted before the date you stated about his comment. And all these armchair QBs. OMG Maybe before you run off at the mouth like diarrhea, you should do a “little” research. EVERY President you have said disagrees with him and calls him an idiot at one point or another during their Presidency or campaigning, stated border security is a threat to our Nat’l Security and that Illegal Immigration is a drain on our economy and must be curbed at all costs. But did they do anything? Nope. You know why? Because the Demos and RINOs voted every bill down. Because they get the votes of those illegals. That’s why they are afraid of building a wall or raising our Border Patrol budget to have better coverage. Because they give them all the best of our social services while legals and citizens get crap. Each have also said that many (not all or a majority) are members of violent gangs now. So before you run off at the mouth do some research and quit listening to the media. They ALL have an agenda and unless you go through all the different media groups you might be able to get an accurate picture of the news. But, not often. So grow up and get a brain.

  3. over 6 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    According to weather.com, Hawaii reached 100 degrees for an all time high on April 27 1931 on Palau.