
MichaelCorpier Free

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  1. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    You do realize this is 10,000 years in the future. As well as we are now just coming off the last fourth ice age. Things change. The world will turn, we will adapt. At least those of us who do not panic.

  2. over 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Not much different that any other myth. the Norse had the gods licking a cow to come to being, I’m sure somewhere people thought we were on four elephants standing on a giant turtle, maybe some goddess just spat out the universe in some cosmic birth! All in the end it comes down to faith.God, Allah, Buddah or in your case, nothing. SO in the end, please, try to be more accepting of the faiths around you. Maybe people will be willing to talk to you in person and hear then share an agument with your ideas. Also No, I have no true faith except in Nature and Life. But I do recognize a dark path and I would like to take it from you. Been there, done that, Got the battle scars already. Just offering you a second look at things. Harmony.