You can think whatever you want about Plato, Kant, and religion. But you also reject quantum physics, which is based primarily on empirical observation (Lord knows no one would ever believe it if they couldn’t see the results with their own eyes). A philosophy that has to reject reality for its claims to hold is on extremely shaky ground.
But the reason the Soviets had to build so many weapons was to keep up with the U.S., which was doing the same. Yes, obviously weapons cost money, and the arms race hurt both economies, but the Soviets ran out of money first. In the long run, that was beneficial.
The bottom rung is still the same-crippling poverty and starvation-but there are enormously fewer people on that bottom rung than at any other point in history.
“It is estimated.” No, it isn’t. According to CDC and NCIB data, about 25 million Americans TOTAL have died since the passage of the ACA. It is UTTERLY implausible that more than half of those have been due to governors not implementing the ACA considering A) more than half of people live in states with the ACA, B) many of these deaths would occurred from diseases that could not be treated even with health care, and C) a state not having the ACA is not simply a death sentence for those without health insurance.
Maybe he’s being contacted by Rob Harell. Is he running low on jokes?