(Cont’) When the waters rise, the windmills become turbines for power and the teabags become islands for frogs and turtles and individuals. (Dad and his Dad installed Aermotor windmills in the Midwest. These riffs are rooted in that soil.)
A gardening show of Martha Stewart taught how you make giant tea bags of compost. We could string those along power lines between those acres of solar windmills
Good Whitehouse Keeping could reverse engineer the recipe/concoction, here. Ingredients: Large streak of glibness. Recipe prep time, a Trumpiavellian minute. Half baked in a crock. Served chillingly. Serves about one. Unlike the first Whitehouse concoction, who served a nation.. . At least… And the nation, not all grateful, lived to tell about it.
(Cont’) When the waters rise, the windmills become turbines for power and the teabags become islands for frogs and turtles and individuals. (Dad and his Dad installed Aermotor windmills in the Midwest. These riffs are rooted in that soil.)