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donwestonmysteries Free

I am a Mystery Author recently moved from Portland Oregon to Albuquerque NM. My Billie Bly P.I. series has been centered in Portland, most likely known as of late as the location for TV shows Stumptown, Portlandia, Grimm, and Leverage. My new home in Albuquerque is known for talented authors such as mystery icon, Tony Hillerman, and the fan-favorite T.V. show, Breaking Bad. You can see my books here:

Recent Comments

  1. about 9 hours ago on Liberty Meadows

    Unfollowing today. Seen this recent series of strips too many times. . . in the last few months.

  2. 7 days ago on Barkeater Lake

    I thought Allen was a pharmacist.

  3. 10 days ago on Luann

    A or I?

  4. 24 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    I took it that Amelia and Spud are in the locker. Spud saying sweeter than honey and Amelia saying Shut Up. Ongoing tension between the two and Spud finally gets lucky…sort of.

  5. 29 days ago on Ordinary Bill

    Do you know where your Bill is?

  6. about 1 month ago on Wallace the Brave

    In the days of talking head comics with sterile backgrounds, its great to see some detail in the background—and this is far from as detailed at Wallace comics get.

  7. about 1 month ago on Liberty Meadows

    Didn’t this run a couple months ago?

  8. about 1 month ago on Liberty Meadows

    Never seen Jen so goal oriented.

  9. about 1 month ago on Shirley and Son Classics

    This kid had no brains and likes to fall from tall places. At least on Wallace the Brave, when Spud walks off the Dock, many many times, he falls into the ocean. Sploosh!

  10. about 1 month ago on Ordinary Bill

    Alien Bill?