Darrin Bell is back (and in perspective), stimulating thought. Sky and Telescope magazine (12-2014) reported that a hot-water drill probed 800 meters (1/2 mile) into Lake Whillans in Antartica and recovered 8 gallons of water (Yes, liquid water below the ice sheet).The team recorded 130,000 living cells / milliliter, and 3,931 distinct species of bacteria. The number of living cells reflects life in the deep oceans.How many diverse living organisms are thriving in the oceans beneath the surface of Europa, Ganymede, Enceladus, Titan, or even Pluto and Eris? Food for thought – thanks Mr. Bell ( and thanks for the humorous angle ! )
Isn’t technology marvelous?Went to the local paper (online – powered by Go Comics, go figure) and a couple other angles.Seems it was lost to the electronic vortex.If someone is going to have a major wobbly (knickers in a twist), over a simple electronic hiccough, they need to go out and spend real money to buy a newspaper ( i.e. if the paper received the download from the etheric Comics God) – comics are not dropped into the mail anymore. Relax. It will probably show up tomorrow? How long will one wait to acquire wisdom?
Darrin Bell is back (and in perspective), stimulating thought. Sky and Telescope magazine (12-2014) reported that a hot-water drill probed 800 meters (1/2 mile) into Lake Whillans in Antartica and recovered 8 gallons of water (Yes, liquid water below the ice sheet).The team recorded 130,000 living cells / milliliter, and 3,931 distinct species of bacteria. The number of living cells reflects life in the deep oceans.How many diverse living organisms are thriving in the oceans beneath the surface of Europa, Ganymede, Enceladus, Titan, or even Pluto and Eris? Food for thought – thanks Mr. Bell ( and thanks for the humorous angle ! )