Giant rubber duck 01

Kiwiwriter47 Free

Award-winning journalist on four continents for the past 43 years. Been a press officer for the City of Newark, NJ, for the past 23 years. Two obsessions in life beyond my family: Baseball and history. Live and die with the Yankees and San Francisco Giants. Father was a talented cartoonist and historian of American comic strips, daughter is a talented cartoonist and uses that ability in doing interactive computer books for kids at a publishing company in New York.

Recent Comments

  1. 11 minutes ago on Dick Tracy

    “Joyless Reid, Rachel Madcow, Fake Jake, Joey Scarbrain” — I don’t watch any of them.

    “8 years of Naval service must have been spent contemplating your navel???” at least I served in something besides the Proud Boys.

  2. 14 minutes ago on Dick Tracy

    You know, that was an absolutely AMAZING PERFORMANCE. You couldn’t say A SINGLE WORD WITHOUT USING A CLICHE OR AN AD HOMINEM ASSAULT! You didn’t have a SINGLE ORIGINAL IDEA IN THAT! Or an english word!


  3. 16 minutes ago on Peanuts

    It was a CBS radio reporter, whose name escapes me. His broadcast was used as a baseline for the “War of the Worlds” broadcast, when the reporter describes Martians emerging from their spaceship.

  4. 17 minutes ago on Luann

    We read “Fahrenheit 451,” too. I was greatly amused by that, as we got grief from our teachers from the copies of “Playboy” we filched from our father’s bedroom drawers….

  5. 19 minutes ago on Red and Rover


  6. 21 minutes ago on Luann

    I like the appearance of “Krazy Kat.”

  7. 3 days ago on Peanuts

    If you listen to that tape, that reporter says, “I can’t bear to look…get out of my way…”

  8. 3 days ago on Luann

    “Jane Eyre” and “Moby Dick.” Two books I could not stand.

    I wrote about both on my Substack page in my essay: “How I Learned To Write.”

    We had to do “Jane Eyre” in my middle school eighth grade. The book is perfect for 12-year-old middle-class girls who have just discovered that boys want to find out what’s under their dress and play with it. The girls all dream of being Jane Eyre and swept off their feet by a mysterious, chiseled, and wealthy Mr. Rochester. I couldn’t understand why Mr. Rochester didn’t just boot his lunatic wife out of that tower. He was a rich English gentleman in the Regency: he could have gotten away with it. If I hadn’t read the Classic Comics version, I would not have got a 95 in that unit.

    With “Moby Dick,” I was done in by three things: first, I sympathized with the whales. I found the humans cruel. Second, the book was too long, with chapter on the biology of whales. Third, whales don’t eat people…they eat plankton.

    I have a hard time remembering any book I read in school that I enjoyed. Maybe Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms.” Great journalistic description of the disaster at Caporetto in the War to End All Wars on the Italian Front. Nobody remembers that part of the war outside of Italy.

  9. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    20.I’m an eight-year Navy veteran. Tell me again how many years of service you have in any of the organizations that defend America’s freedom: the Armed forces, any police, fire, or first response agency, or as a trailer-truck driver. Why are trailer truck drivers the ultimate defenders of American freedom?21.A good many Trumpetoons hold up huge banners that read, “The Earth is Flat, Jesus Saves, Trump 2024.” Do you agree with all three? If so, prove that the world is flat. I hear that Archimedes took care of that little equation in ancient Egypt, and everybody but you and fellow wack-jobs have accepted it ever since.22.One more thing…the Bloated Yam contested the election in 59 — COUNT ‘EM, FIFTY-NINE — lawsuits, some led by the “Kraken,” Sid Powell, who later apologized for her lies in those cases. HE LOST EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. That includes the ones where Rudy Giuliani, “the racket-busting DA,” dripping hair dye and all, pleaded his case. HE LOST EVERY SINGLE ONE. Tell me again the definition of insanity. Oh, wait. You don’t know it. It’s “doing the same thing over and over again in the hope of getting a different result each time and never getting it.”

  10. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    16.If you are a would-be heterosexual, who have you been dating since your wife took the kids and fled after she got tired of you beating her? The stripper at the “gentleman’s club?” “Nut Gobbler” at the Boom-Boom Motel, hoping she doesn’t steal your wallet when you stiff her the wrong way? The girl with the webcam? Miss Polly Urethane?17.In his campaign speeches, Trump denounces Biden as “Sleepy Joe.” But Trump keeps falling asleep during his trial, snoring and flatulating in front of the judge and his lawyers. What do you think about that?18.After you receive “professional services” from your gay hooker in your car, do you prove to them that you’re really “straight” by beating them senseless and taking back the money you paid them?19.When you use the term “Trump Derangement Syndrome” or “TDS” for short, or “libtard,” or “Marxist,” aren’t you admitting that you haven’t had an original idea since you noticed that Suzie in eighth-grade English class had grown an inch or two in her bustline and began to wonder a) what’s under that blouse and b) can I play with it?