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  1. about 24 hours ago on Lay Lines

    It also takes about 115 gallons of water to grow an equivalent weight of rice.

  2. about 24 hours ago on Lay Lines

    I lived in a small town east of Plano in TX. There were two candidates for mayor. One was a Born-Again free-spending local boy who wanted to close the library. The other was a former TI electrical engineer who wanted to bring the town debt down by doing things like not expanding the middle school football stadium. The EE won by a vote of 781 to 780. No one will ever convince me that my vote doesn’t count.

  3. 11 days ago on Mutt & Jeff

    It’s OK… just look for any change in Jeff.

  4. 22 days ago on Lay Lines

    I hope not a comic from memory

  5. 29 days ago on Doonesbury

    And Steely Dan’s “What A Shame About Me” starts on the soundtrack as we fade slowly to black.

  6. about 1 month ago on Luann

    Who didn’t see this coming?

  7. about 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    When I was growing up in my home town, we had a local “character” named Dumpster Dave. He would always prowl around in the dumpsters of local businesses to find parts and materials for his projects. He once managed to build a working glider in his garage from scrap parts, although he forgot that he had to get it through his garage doors and so he had to do some sawing to get it out. He would also be fair to the businesses, often bringing back what he found into the business to ask them if they really wanted to throw it out. Of course, bringing a pile of garbage into and putting in on the counter of a pizza shop didn’t endear him to many. The squirrel carcass is a particularly vivid memory.

    He also had a unique way of insulting people. If you did something he didn’t like or that he disagreed with, he would seethe and then would call you “an unborn pig.”

    Are you related to Dave?

  8. 2 months ago on Mutt & Jeff

    I love how this strip operates in its own little universe.

  9. 2 months ago on The Meaning of Lila

    A newspaper?

  10. 3 months ago on Lay Lines

    Love the punch line