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  1. over 5 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    so there is no proof of the accusation (including no proof of the accusation that he is lying about what there is no proof of) but he is guilty because he is lying about something- guess it depends on what the meaning of is is, or- he tried to “mislead the court without committing perjury”? But everyone is saying it is not a trial- more like a job interview- so- no trial- no perjury- is that it ? Gotta love the logic (or the lack of logic)-if it were not for double-standards- the Democrats would have no standards at all…you said-“Something DID go on. Something he is LYING about. He is NOT TELLING THE TRUTH.” you are so full of it your eyes are brown-

  2. over 5 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    I remember when Hillary was running for Senator- debating her opponent- said she felt “threatened” or assaulted when he approached her- did not even touch her- and got a little too close for her comfort I guess- really she just wanted to accuse him of being a masher like her husband or pervert Joe Biden-the Left is always projecting (accusing others of doing what they love to do)- The CNN guy doesn’t follow the rules- one question and then let go of the mike-I watch CNN – it seems to always be attack Trump- zero respect-it would make me sick to see them doing that to anybody- don’t they realize what the rest of the world thinks when they see that? they make us look weak and divided— if he were Obama- they would have been banned and drummed out of business for racism long ago and you know it. For almost 2 and a half years it has been … attack Trump- 24/7 365- whine about Trump and how he wants to destroy the free press and a total dictator blah blah-if he were such a bad dictator- they would be in jail or executed long ago. Obama banned many reporters for life and spied on many reporters-actually jailed a few to stop leaks and punish leakers and banned a few news services because they dared ask him “insulting” questions or printed something he didn’t like- One guy made a movie that dared to put him in a bad light (actually quoting Obama’s book and public information) was targeted for prosecution and was the only person to serve time in prison for “campaign finance violations”-they weaponized the IRS and did all kind of nasty things- that does not excuse Trump for breaking any rules- they just hate him because he will not be cowed into believing that their insults of racism ad nauseum are true. Trump should ban ALL of CNN reporters- since they hate him so much- gthey should be relieved and happy to be banned- the whole network= banned for life- what are they gonna do? they already support the Democrats 100%