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Lol just another reason I love this comic. Had “La La Love You” by the Pixies play at my wedding! Thanks for the fun happy memories!
You guys got paid? My parents allowed me to live under their roof. That was my allowance
I can’t even afford A house let alone move into a new one. But if I could it would be Bag End for sure.
For a “know-it-all” the actually is unlimited! Such silly grammatical rules have no effect! MUHAHAHA!
Actually… it comes from the old folk tale “Henny Penny” aka “Chicken Licken” aka “Chicken Little” which as most know an acorn hit their head and they thought the sky was falling. I’ll see myself out now.
So… Luann plans to bring nothing to the table and this guy to bring everything.
Lol I’m so happy I’m married to the love of my life.
Hey, when you like bad movies as a kid and watch them as a drunk adult it’s a fun time.
Reminds me of this chick…literally from the old movie “Rockadoodle”. Seriously underrated animated movie.
Lol just another reason I love this comic. Had “La La Love You” by the Pixies play at my wedding! Thanks for the fun happy memories!