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The Euthanasia PrayerBeloved God, Help me to understand that you are/were with me, by my side, helping me to make the humane decision to end the suffering of my beloved pet. Help me to forgive myself, as you forgive me lovingly each day for my shortcomings, knowing my heart. Help me to understand that it is good and noble to have the courage to face such a difficult decision and to make them despite how much it hurts to do so. Help me to realize that, as my decision was made from love, there is no reason for me to hang onto the heavy burden of guilt that I feel at times. Help me to realize that, as you have sent us our beloved pets to be our guardians, we are their guardians in return and are responsible for their every need – including their need to be free of pain and suffering. Help me to realize that our life together was a blessing from you and that is you who called them home to Heaven, and that I only took them to the door, where you gratefully and lovingly welcomed them home. Amen.I know Edee will be waiting for you and your family at the Rainbow Bridge.