
GeorgeJost Free

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  1. over 3 years ago on Rob Rogers

    Trump WAS held accountable! He LOST the election by a MASSIVE landslide and more Americans voted in 2020 than in any other election in history. He was impeached twice. Expecting the “other side” to magically agree with you on things in general is wishful thinking. Think about Bill Clinton. Personally, I believe he got away with sexual harassment as governor.

  2. about 4 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    He loves the United States. Proper question is, what does he like about it? He hates the free press when they do their job and criticize him. He hates the courts when they provide oversight. He likes power, money. He likes success.

  3. about 4 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    He would never burn the flag or claim tha t the United States isn’t “the best”. Some people confuse this with patriotism. The Soviets and the Nazis had great flags. Very colorful. Lots of display of love of country. What they lacked was an ability for people to make it better, for oversight, for people to criticize the government. The truth is, Trump is NOT a puppet of Putin! That is actually scary. Putin LOVES Trump because with Trump in power, Putin can get away with more. Trump weakens American alliances. He is boastful and incompetent. Nobody should give a f*ck about flags. Make the flag MEAN something. Care about PEOPLE, faIRNESS, ACCOUNTABILITY

  4. about 4 years ago on Rob Rogers

    It’s weird to call basic respect “privilege”. Issue isn’t that white ppl have but that other do not and who is aware that they do not. We can wake up in a world where everybody is treated horribly or one where everybody is treated fairly. “Privilege” can be represented very easily by a blindfold because it is about what you don’t see. In 1930, a former slave, actually said it pretty elegantly to a progressive white guy. He said something like this, “you can’t tell me what I have a right to but you can obstruct me from obtaining it.”

  5. about 4 years ago on Dana Summers

    Acknowledging that racism exists is merely acknowledging reality. Quite different than pretending everybody is racist or that race is the only factor.

  6. about 4 years ago on Dana Summers

    No. An expression of a pretty current issue. Per capita, black ppl have something to be concerned about. The Georgia jogger thing is part of a bigger problem of racial profiling. Cartoon isn’t about COVID-19. It’s about a broken aspect of our society needing to be fixed. As we speak, riots ensue over a guy latterly handcuffed and choked by a police. In 3 years, jury will let police officer off like they did with officr in Eric. Garner case last year, 5 years after murder

  7. about 4 years ago on Tom Toles

    too busy. like your quick trump caricature.

  8. about 4 years ago on Rebecca Hendin

    It doesn’t pack much of a punch.

  9. about 4 years ago on Chris Britt

    Calling them x-ains is inappropriate here. Christians is the term, some of them might not be white, their scripture is pretty clear tgat buildings aren’t important.

  10. about 4 years ago on Chris Britt

    Cartoons always exaggerate to make a point. Message was well conveyed.