
AlexanderMitchell Free

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  1. over 5 years ago on Candorville

    You REALLY don’t understand how this works, do you, Mr. Paranoia Lemont?

    SHE doesn’t have your “permanent record” on hand any more.

    It was all transferred to the FBI after you left public school.

    And THAT’S why the surveillance vans are always following you around—they KNOW what a defiant, anti-authority troublemaker you’ve ALWAYS been!

  2. over 5 years ago on Candorville

    “Bigger wins” don’t matter. It’s the wins, not how many points.And according to the info I saw, the men’s team has higher ticket prices and draws more people over the course of a season. Once the women’s team actually was in contention, only then did people notice and start crowding the stadia. On average, the men drew far more attendees at a higher price. THAT is (at least purportedly) how and why the men’s team got paid more—MUCH more revenue involved.People cheer for the women’s teams, as they should. Now, as soon as just as many viewers pay the same price for seats or draw the same TV ratings and ad revenue, then we can discuss pay parity.

  3. over 5 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    Big error:Via Wikipedia:""Roll On, Columbia, Roll On" was part of the Columbia River Ballads, a set of twenty-six songs written by Guthrie as part of a commission by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), the federal agency created to sell and distribute power from the river’s federal hydroelectric facilities."NOT the WPA. The BPA may be a Federal agency (and still exists under the aegis of the Department of Energy), but was not a WPA formation.

    Yeah, so call it an “artificial folk song.”

  4. over 5 years ago on Candorville

    Relevant to the discussion:https://lidblog.com/holocaust-never-political-warfare/

    “A basic rule of American politics was broken too many times this past week– never use the Holocaust or any of its related terms such as Nazis or Hitler, for political warfare. The Holocaust is a singular event in world history and not just because of its scale and inhuman horror. Yes, there have been, and sadly will be other genocides of other groups, there have even been other atrocities against the Jewish people. But generally, a genocide is waged to suppress a group, keep them out of a countries politics, or to take their land or some other economic reason. The Holocaust was different– the Jews targeted by Hitler and the Nazis had no land and held relatively little power–they were just hated. The Nazis took Jews from all over Europe and killed them.

    Other things that shouldn’t be used for comparison are things like slavery in America, and Apartheid. In their own unique way, they are also incomparable to anything else.

    Thankfully nothing is being done by America or in America that is as close as being in the same universe as the Holocaust. That’s one of the reasons it doesn’t make sense to use it in a political comparison. It’s hyperbolic and demonstrates a lack of understanding or compassion for what happened during the Shoah (what the Holocaust is called in Hebrew). It also indicates a deficiency in intelligence that causes an absence of the verbal agility to produce a more accurate comparison."

    Read the whole thing. Especially you, Mr. Bell.

  5. almost 6 years ago on Mike du Jour

    Actually, “green beer” is the expression used for beer (especially homebrew) that isn’t done fermenting yet and/or hasn’t finished aging/lagering enough to serve.

  6. about 6 years ago on Baldo

    Or GUNshots.

  7. about 6 years ago on Baldo

    It was referenced on an episode of “Modern Family” where Gloria hails from Colombia, and goes beserk when New Year’s is coming on in some remote holiday location and she and Manny lack their requisite “gr-r-rapes”…..