Large screenshot 2021 05 13 17.17.34

Joshua P. Free

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  1. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    The saying goes that everyone is titled to their own opinion, so I will state my opinion on “Big Nate”:

    I have grown weary of the same routine that this comic strip goes with The same routine applies year-after-year with each certain season. For the ten-plus years that I have read this strip, it’s frankly the same thing year-after-year, and it’s almost like you know what the characters (mainly Nate) will do every time they are seen. If you have read this strip for years, then you will know what I am talking about, but this is just to save space.

    Secondly, Francis and Teddy have gotten little-to-no screen-time to themselves WITHOUT Nate at all during the strips’ run. I can’t recall the last time Francis has had a arc to himself without Nate, and Teddy, if memory serves, last had his arc in October/November 2016 with Paige, and Nate was seen in a few of those strips. It’s almost as if there is a rule to the strip requiring Nate to be in every panel of every strip, which obviously isn’t true because there is a rare strip every so often without him. Give them actual screen-time to where the readers, including me, do not feel like they are treated as sidekicks. I understand that the strip is called “Big Nate” and the focus has to always be on Nate, apparently, but really. Branch out these two and the other characters, who have personalities that can be relatable in our lives.

    Thirdly, I am most sick of the second/third panel always being zoomed in closer than the others, like in this strip and so many more. Frankly, I think it shows laziness on Mr. Pierce’s part. I understand that this is the style that the strip is on, but seeing the same thing for nearly every strip is very aggravating.

    These reasons are why I am not reading the strip anymore.These issues have bugged me for years on end. As Nate says in the last panel, “it goes on and on and on and on”, which is a summary of the way I feel about this strip nowadays.

    I welcome your comments, if anyone has any.

  2. over 4 years ago on Big Nate

    Who thinks that Ellen is cute? I think so, not to be strange or anything.

  3. over 4 years ago on Big Nate

    The last time we saw Ellen was on January 20th, 2019!

  4. about 6 years ago on Big Nate

    On this date, March 13, 2015, I created a brand new comic strip called ¨Dale¨, and to this day I am still running my comic strip, with 586 comics strip currently.