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Recent Comments

  1. about 18 hours ago on Wallace the Brave

    Great minds! It amazes me that he can pack so much substance into a comic that, on its face, is so whimsical and fun. True genius and I don’t think that’s hyperbole.

  2. about 18 hours ago on Wallace the Brave

    I love how Will communicates the tone and volume of voice from the font. I can almost literally hear Wallace’s mom softly stating his name over his yell.

  3. 2 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    I know it’s a small thing, I know it’s a comic, and I know it’s a different time….but I HATE when people summon a restaurant’s serving staff by yelling “WAITER!”

  4. 3 days ago on Lio

    Dr. Hurtz LOL

    Also, wtf is up with that lamp?!?

  5. 8 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Kids are icky.

  6. 8 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    I love the rolling pencil, the hungry seagull and the one mistaken for a raccoon.

    Also, fart.

  7. 8 days ago on Cleats

    Well that’s a stupid question. If they are on a two hour wait it means they literally have more business than they can handle.

  8. 9 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    I feel this and am agreeing with you more and more. However, a quick survey of the other available options reveals many countries that have it much, much worse than us. It’s all relative…but my feelings of envy at these fictional vacation-takers remains!

  9. 9 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Once again Mr Watterson is prophetic.

  10. 10 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Must be nice to have not only the money for multiple international vacations each year, but also the freedom to take them. At every place I’ve ever worked, taking that much time off (even if it had been possible and okay in terms of PTO allowance), would have been looked down on. Ugh. Nothing like a comic strip to stir feelings of jealousy!