
A# 466 Free

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  1. 5 minutes ago on Pedro X. Molina

    “Bought for a half a can of rancid bacon grease.”

  2. 6 minutes ago on Pedro X. Molina


  3. 8 minutes ago on Luann Againn

    Seller’s remorse.

  4. 10 minutes ago on Clay Jones

    Trump loves strong women? Where’s the /s?

  5. 12 minutes ago on Joe Heller

    Obstruction by all the republicans (and a few democrats) in Congress is where you should lay the blame. They object to any and all bills which concern firearms legislation with the merest whiff of restrictions of the specific kinds of arms one may own, gun ownership in general, and possession of firearms. Even though there are fewer republicans than democrats in the US, and US public opinion favors reasonable firearms regulation laws (e.g., firearms registration, age requirements, closing gun show loopholes, restriction of ghost guns), Congress refuses to pass even the most toothless, benign gun laws.

    One might also consider the way that SCOTUS Justices have been appointed and confirmed, and the way that the Senate, under McConnell, has so cynically both refused to act on Garland’s nomination and then confirmed Barrett under similar “lame duck”# conditions.

    (#) The refusal of McConnell to hold hearings for Garland because he was nominated during the last year of Obama’s second term a nine months before the ‘16 election (and nearly a year before his term ended). McConnell then fast-tracked — not to say rammed through — both Gorsuch’s confirmation (which occurred 10 day after Trump’s term started) and Barrett’s confirmation during the last year of Trump’s term. Barrett was confirmed in September of ’20, less than 2 months before the election which Trump lost to Biden.

  6. about 1 hour ago on Jeff Danziger

    While not direct retaliation, I submit that Israel for many years has treated the Palestinians harshly. That Hamas initiated this paroxysm of violence, after so many decades of violence and mutual smoldering hatred, is no surprise. Nor, given the right-wing pseudo-Zionist government in Israel, the general hatred of Jews and Judaism, and the history of persecution of Jews is the extreme violence of Israel’s retribution a surprise.

  7. about 1 hour ago on Bliss

    Kneecap. By the way: SPLASH!

  8. about 15 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Easy: LSMFT. (Les’ stop. Mah fanger’s tahr’d)

  9. about 17 hours ago on Jeff Danziger

    Since a steam turbine or diesel engine has a definite and narrow power and efficiency curve, and running wiring is easier than running heavy shafting, and one can design generators (or alternators with silicon rectification) and motors in any practical HP rating, electric boat propulsion has many advantages over steam or diesel propulsion as regards flexibility, efficiency, mechanical simplicity, and ease of control.

  10. 1 day ago on 9 to 5

    Not to mention the misinformation super-glut.