
HenryWertz Free

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  1. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Note to all, don’t waste your time looking for the note in the corner the comments all refer to. This comic has been CENSORED, the item scribbled in the corner has been excised from the version on here.

    SHAME to gocomics! Either keep the comic in original form, put up a placeholder saying the comic has been pulled, or a visible notice up top saying that this Feb. 10 comic was updated Feb. 11. Please keep the book 1984 in mind; in today’s electronic world, it’s a dangerous precedent to decide it’s OK to modify existing, dated, comics, articles, etc. without at least providing a notice on the page that it’s been done. Obviously not a big deal for one comic, but imagine trying to look through some historical archive only to find (like in 1984) that the articles are all a little different each time you go back to look.