
Wishbringer Free

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  1. about 6 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    This comic was very well done and very tasteful. It focuses on the positive, rather than the negative.

    Someone who has never been chronically depressed (translation: in physical / mental danger) can have no idea of how it ravages both mind and body. In such situations it is best to exercise wisdom, observe, know when to keep quiet, learn. We grieve for the survivors (especially offspring), but also grieve for the victim— the one who died because of such depression. Depression is an illness over which one has no control. It is a biochemical imbalance and yes, it can be as deadly as a heart attack.

    It is not something that requires “excusing”. Rather, it calls for compassion and sympathy that someone is so miserable that for that moment, they can think of only one way to gain relief from such extreme pain and anguish. Anyone who has been there and survived, understands. Those who have not, cannot. Depression is not something one can just “snap out of”. Chronic depression can be lethal; that is why it is called chronic. Be grateful you have never been there… or you may not be here to so quickly condemn others. Remember this: in lack of sympathy, one brings further pain to the surviving family who may read such callous comments.

  2. about 6 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Many will tell us that suicide is an “unforgivable sin”. It is not. Rather, it is a mental illness… unfortunately a fatal one. It could be temporary; people bounce back from that edge every day and go on to pull out of that state and lead productive lives, grateful that they got through it. Unfortunately, some to not.

    A suicide is a victim of their own confused mind, and we grieve for that victim. Those who believe God is any less sympathetic for such ones need to re-think what “love” means, how far it extends (yes even to suicides)… and not be so naive as to believe what is arrogantly pounded from some pulpit. Scripture does not teach that suicide is unforgivable. Suicide is a regrettable temporary state of mind that given time and opportunity, could have been overcome.

    Please, if you’re considering suicide, call your local suicide hotline. They can help, significantly… and assist you in still being here tomorrow. 1-800-273-8255 24/7/365