Little kids (and some high schoolers) love to dress up in costume and go to people’s houses on trick or treat night. In our town there’s a (65 year) tradition of high school kids painting windows on main street businesses.
I like standard time in the winter months. If we stayed on DST we’d not see daylight until 9 am. I like DST in the summer months since daylight happens early in the morning and I have an extra hour of daylight at night. I always thought that changing the clocks (most are automatic now) is a rite of spring and fall. Honestly, I think some folks just want something to complain about.
Calvin was six years old and had Mrs. Wormwood for ten years. Some comics, like “For Better or Worse” were age-progressive, but most are locked in one time period. No point in overthinking it.
I had a great Air Force pilot’s jacket given to me by a client. It had the unit markings, and rank. I couldn’t wear it – just couldn’t. I think I gave it away.
I always have a sweater when grocery shopping. Those places are ridiculously cold during the summer.