
saltbearer Free

The chuckle shapes make me hee ha.

Recent Comments

  1. almost 6 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    How I prefer to operate.

  2. almost 6 years ago on Nancy

    Dunno how exactly notes/messaging work here, copying part of my year-late comment to everyone who seems confused:

    It’s all one metaphor for the imminent shift in character focus. Jaimes is saying that while Gilchrist showed old readers that Nancy was sweet, she’s bringing out Nancy’s other flavors, and she is going IN on those in particular.

  3. almost 6 years ago on Nancy

    Dunno how exactly notes/messaging work here, copying part of my year-late comment to everyone who seems confused:

    It’s all one metaphor for the imminent shift in character focus. Jaimes is saying that while Gilchrist showed old readers that Nancy was sweet, she’s bringing out Nancy’s other flavors, and she is going IN on those in particular.

  4. almost 6 years ago on Nancy

    Dunno how exactly notes/messaging work here, copying part of my year-late comment to everyone who seems confused:

    It’s all one metaphor for the imminent shift in character focus. Jaimes is saying that while Gilchrist showed old readers that Nancy was sweet, she’s bringing out Nancy’s other flavors, and she is going IN on those in particular.

  5. almost 6 years ago on Nancy

    Dunno how exactly notes/messaging work here, copying part of my year-late comment to everyone who seems confused:

    It’s all one metaphor for the imminent shift in character focus. Jaimes is saying that while Gilchrist showed old readers that Nancy was sweet, she’s bringing out Nancy’s other flavors, and she is going IN on those in particular.

  6. almost 6 years ago on Nancy

    Dunno how exactly notes/messaging work here, copying part of my year-late comment to everyone who seems confused:

    It’s all one metaphor for the imminent shift in character focus. Jaimes is saying that while Gilchrist showed old readers that Nancy was sweet, she’s bringing out Nancy’s other flavors, and she is going IN on those in particular.

  7. almost 6 years ago on Nancy

    Dunno how exactly notes/messaging work here, copying part of my year-late comment to everyone who seems confused:

    It’s all one metaphor for the imminent shift in character focus. Jaimes is saying that while Gilchrist showed old readers that Nancy was sweet, she’s bringing out Nancy’s other flavors, and she is going IN on those in particular.

  8. almost 6 years ago on Nancy

    I didn’t get this strip when I first found out about the new Nancy some months ago (knowing very little about the old Nancy), but an idea just struck me after I came back to read more and remembered it. Came here to see who else realized/got confused.

    My mistake was assuming the gag was [descriptor that could refer to her demeanor or a flavor] → [just literal flavors] → [offbeat final panel]. But it’s all one metaphor for the imminent shift in character focus. Jaimes is saying here that while Gilchrist showed old readers that Nancy was sweet, she’s bringing out Nancy’s other flavors, and she is going IN on those in particular.