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  1. 4 months ago on Luann

    Dang flipping the bird in a comic. Gotta say though go for Tiff there. Stef needs to be taken down some pegs

  2. 4 months ago on Luann

    So here we are and I will present my thoughts. First, Stef and Kip are together, she’s “happy” he’s “satisfied but unclear.” This current situation presents in an awkward way, Tiff is praising Kip for his performance but given previous encounters between the three, Stef being like what the hell is totally appropriate. Tiff needs to realize that while she had an interest in Kip and he may have an interest in her, she is in the wrong for making a pursuit of towards a relationship other than being friendly towards Kip. Again, Stef has every right to feel threatened and angry towards Tiff and Kip. Kip and Stef need to address their relationship what is it, where is it going, do they both want to be together or is it one sided. Kip needs to address whether he has genuine feelings for Tiff or if he is allowing himself to use Tiff as a tool to make Stef jealous and drive her towards him or away from him. Stef needs to stop being HS Tiff in college, the brain dead blonde southern bimbo act is tired. If she wants an M.R.S. degree from college then she might as well get Kip on that path already.

    The appropriate storyline here would be for everyone to define their relationships in this situation. Kip-Stef, Kip-Tiff, Tiff-Stef. And work from there, no need for Stef and Tiff to be friends, they are roommates…I think Bets-Dez-Tiff are at least friendly and considerate but Tiff is that fourth roommate you have to have but then have and are like oh for fools sakes with this already. Bernice would be a better roommate for Tiff-Dez-Bets because even though she’s annoying and gets in people business she at least attempts to respect people.

    Anyway, larger point stands is that Tiff is likely getting hurt in all of this because Stef is going to take her anger out on her, forcing Kip to comfort Stef’s ego saying Tiff’s just a friend. Then Tiff gets sad and stuff but still Kip is around.

  3. 6 months ago on Luann

    Just so we all know. Dad Brad is going to be fine. He’s going to have tough and hard days and easy and good days. But at the end of the day, Brad is going to be a good dad. Not necessarily because he learned from Frank and Nancy because yes he did but because he’s accepted that sometimes he has no idea what he’s doing and what to do. Even more so he’s open and honest to asking and seeking help. I think Toni will be a good mom but anyone that has doubts about Brad at a parent at this point really should stop talking. Guys going to do just fine and in parenting sometimes fine is enough.

  4. 7 months ago on Luann

    You know I hope it is about her Dad, it’s good for her to be open and honest about how she feels. Everyone passes a lot of judgment in the comments about her and her behavior/attitude and also about Jonah. However, she’s still a kid and Jonah’s a father and an adult. He is supposed to have the mental maturity that Brad tries to display as a parent figure. Shannon is young and still developing, talking in circles here but maybe stop passing judgment on her for things when right now how she feels especially if it’s her Dad being gone for a month is completely valid feeling for her to have. It’s not like they can say oh he’s doing what he’s doing out of love but they can’t say oh he just did it for himself. There aren’t really good answers Brad and Toni can give her on that front and just need to be supportive and loving even if she is bratty at times.

  5. 8 months ago on Luann

    Is this over, this was appalling? It’s one thing to have a day dream sequence, it’s quite another to go be so absolutely overkill. Oh mom you know we don’t have a TV, oh mom you know I don’t have a phone, I’ll read Moby Dick (okay maybe). But just taking a character and doing a 180 that’s absolutely beyond unhealthy. I like normal Shannon better (okay maybe w/ some attitude adjustments and some discipline but that Shannon is preferable to this one). This day dream Shannon is a kid that will crumble the first time Brad and Toni discipline her or something goes not how this perfect world envisions it.

  6. 8 months ago on Luann

    Ugh this storyline is so dumb. People are like is this Brad or Toni’s daydream. Ummm I feel like it’s the authors daydream. If Brad and Toni are this naive then they shouldn’t have kids for a while. That said I don’t think they’re that naive. This storyline screams more about the guest author than the characters themselves

  7. 8 months ago on Luann

    To be honest, there are instances where Shannon would be different if they raised her. But I think a lot of her current personality would still be there. I could see her being a wee bit better about her overall behavior but still bit of a fire cracker and kind of demanding. The imagined version is more like oh if we raised this kid, she would be thoughtful enough to take care of us at her age. No she wouldn’t she’d still be 10, and if she was making breakfast it’d be eggs and toast or cereal or messy pancakes and there is nothing wrong with any of that. I think the imagined version is nothing more than pure fantasy and anyone who is a parent knows that. It’s okay to have a fantasy version as long as you remember it’s fantasy. Again, I think if she’d been with them since they got married she’d still be roughly the same maybe a little more well-behaved because she’d have Ma and Pa DeGroot to provide support more but don’t think she’d be that much different. She’s bratty and obnoxious and can be a real pain in the butt, but deep down she’s a genuinely good kid with deep feelings and a pretty inquisitive mind.

  8. 9 months ago on Luann

    Just because she is calm and collected in this situation that doesn’t necessarily mean being an EMT is the right thing for her. I mean if she talks to them about it that’s one thing but if the strip goes down that path, I don’t see how that tracks with anything Luann has done before. I’d be more thrilled for them to encourage her to think about teaching again because her mindset is certainly good for that. Sure she made a blistering error but she’s definitely learned from that error and frankly that wouldn’t prevent her from being a teacher in the future even in the real world. Questionable judgement at times but if she can exhibit that she learned from it and why it was a bad decision the real world would still be open to her as a classroom teacher.

  9. 9 months ago on Luann

    I have to say, I missed most of the week but Luann handled this all so well. Someone said something about her being in similar profession like EMT like Brad and Toni but I disagree. I just saw her be level-headed take charge when there was an emergency or someone needed something and apply sensible logic to the situation. I thought it was funny when she rattled off why she knew all this stuff to Vale and he said “you look so ordinary.” But then that’s true right, for most people these things don’t happen everyday but we may have had training and we just act based on what we’ve learned. Luann doesn’t see anything particularly special in what she’s doing because to her it’s just what’s supposed to happen. Others are astounded by her command, self-control, patience, and know how. I think Luann’s biggest problem w/ the future is most people’s biggest problem, we think that to be successful in life we have to do big great things when in fact most of us just try to do what’s right and expected. Luann can be anything she sets her mind to as long as she faces it with the attitude that she’s displaying in this situation, when she stops seeking validation and affirmation it will find her naturally.

  10. 10 months ago on Luann

    Funny enough, Luann’s video provides lots of useful information. They see it as useless but in truth, if they analyzed it, they’d realize that the business is not about rebranding but helping people brand/find themselves. Luann said she likes all those things and does all those things, but how often does she reflect on the information she provided. If anything else, her being silly and not taking it seriously has allowed them to create a video of a person who is still not clear on their direction in life but can be guided by themselves. I bet if they had Luann watch and listen to the video, she’d learn a fair amount and do some good self-reflection (oh who am I kidding Evan’s wouldn’t let that happen). Their business model is like the movie, Hitch, trying to make someone into something by having them just be them without letting them know they’re being them.