
DavidStoner Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 5 years ago on Luann

    This is interesting. I commented my comments don’t get posted. The screen flipped and there was my recent comment with a like. Weird.

  2. almost 5 years ago on Luann

    I am a Luannaddict, I read it and the comments every day. This is the first time I felt the need to comment. It has never looked like oily hair on TJ to me. My comment is the car. The open bottle of crankcase oil is on the air filter which is resting on some part of the engine. Why are either of them there when Brad is trying to loosen some nut? There is a socket wrench laying there as well. And what seems to be the battery is too high. So he slips off the nut falls down and forward far enough to hit the filter. That is not likely to happen. But he hits the filter with his chin hard enough to pop the presumably full oil bottle up and while it is going up oil comes out of it. Sure. Then the filter comes to rest father from TJ instead of closer. The bottle comes to rest on the filter instead of under the engine. The socket wrench has fallen. The wrench that slipped off the nut is now on the nut and up when Brad was clearly pushing down. And TJ has not even moved. Ok.