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  1. almost 5 years ago on Luann

    Neurology is fascinating and you’re right, ob/gyn doctors spend many a sleepless night delivering babies!

    We probably are saying the same number of weeks! For gestational age we use the weeks by first day of LMP and ultrasound measurements correlates with that too. So even though there technically is not a pregnancy yet during weeks 1 & 2, it’s still included in the number of weeks. Always seemed a bit odd to do it this way, but I suppose it simplifies the dating process.

    Wonder if this story arc will continue into next week or circle back later. It sure is generating a lot of interesting discussions!

  2. almost 5 years ago on Luann

    I typically call an 8 week baby on ultrasound the “gummy bear” stage, since the arms and legs are such little nubs. At 12 weeks the arms and legs are pretty defined, just looks like a regular baby but small. 10 weeks the head looks kinda big in comparison to the body, so I always have to reassure parents that it’s normal. That’s what this one looked like to me, the big head baby stage. Regardless, pretty safe to say it’s an ultrasound image from the first trimester!

  3. almost 5 years ago on Luann

    Wow, that is super early to give birth! Glad the baby survived and hopefully didn’t have any long lasting issues with being so premature.

  4. almost 5 years ago on Luann

    Typically the first ultrasound ordered is in the first trimester now, usually between 8-12 weeks.

  5. almost 5 years ago on Luann

    True, it is an interpretation, but most likely one done with an actual ultrasound image for reference. Plus, Greg can choose to make the baby any number of weeks, even if the image isn’t an accurate representation of the developmental stage he chooses. I see inaccurate portrayal of ultrasound all the time in tv shows and movies. For the entertainment industry, the portrayal doesn’t need to be accurate to get the plot point across.

  6. almost 5 years ago on Luann

    I do ultrasound for a living. Based on the image, guessing baby is around 10 weeks. Most women don’t start showing until 15-16 weeks, depending on their body habitus and abdominal muscle strength. Some women can hide it well even past 20 weeks (5mos). Granted, Anne could be further along now, since we don’t know when the image was taken.

  7. almost 6 years ago on Luann

    My friends and I text each other at all hours and wouldn’t think twice about texting at an inopportune time. Same with my spouse. We all keep our phones on silent and only look if it’s a good time. My daughter (college age) also texts me whenever the mood strikes. She knows I’ll not answer when busy or when it would be rude, I’ll respond when I see the text. Same goes with her, her phone is silent and answers when timing is right.

    When Luann texted Gunther, I would hope she assumed he’d have his phone off while on a date or at the very least on silent and put away. So when she said “Call me!” maybe she thought he’d be reading that text after his date. So the urgency could’ve been meant for a post date text reading, which seems more harmless.

    So based on my own personal experiences, I can’t blame Luann for texting Gunther during his date. But I do agree she should’nt have engaged in a converstation when he called. Her comments earlier this week about “fooling around” and saying Bet’s name in a familiar way also seemed a bit off and kind of obtuse. So, maybe there is some subconscious sabatoging going on here.