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NeuralCapsule Free

Contemporary confederacies of dunces now coalesce around very stable genius it seems..

Recent Comments

  1. about 22 hours ago on Views of the World

    It would be really nice if the ‘liberal democracies’ could work together for the actual common good (rather than a corprate version of Plato’s cave) and -at the very minimum – address the crass excesses like multi-billionaires’ phallic boy toys, which in addition to the sheer vulgarity feed Elysium illusions that there is a planet B for prosperity Jesus’s chosen elite… Sickening.

  2. 1 day ago on Views of the World

    I keep a hard copy of the ’87 edition of that, along with several thousand volumes from my previous pre internet reading past.. Those are slowly giving up their shelf space as I secure non DRM digital copies so I can expand the monographs, art books etc that are impossible to find online.

    In nature and culture, I believe firmly in protecting the great natural places and the grand cultural traditions as we find in the well run national park systems and the most impactful intellectual traditions.

    I work with research institutions and tire of hearing revisionist garbage theories (thankfully my information systems consultant role allows me to simply ignore them).

    There are great natural places and there are grand cultural traditions. The fact that the Medici were a crime family takes not one iota from the works of Michelangelo, Raphael and DaVinci. The national parks must be protected as sanctuary for nature, this allows neither commerce’s camel nose nor strident calls to ‘interpret’ them..

    I suppose I am a radical conservationist in that sense.. The radicalism of the current crop of troglodytes who go by the term ‘conservative’ should be buried and the place of internment salted.

  3. 1 day ago on Views of the World

    You know, books like this :

    “The Life and Death of Democracy” —John Keane

    “In the grand tradition of Paul Kennedy’s The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers comes this provocative history of world democracy, which begins with the ancient Myceans and ends in our fractious present. Overturning long-cherished notions, John Keane poses challenging questions: Did democracy actually begin in ancient Greece or earlier in Mesopotamia? Do the American and British systems actually live up to their democratic ideals? Why is there a bad moon rising over the world’s democracies?

    Written by a leading political theorist, this book presents readers with a counterintuitive look at democracy’s past, present, and future, which Keane argues lies not in the West but in the turbulent democracies of the East, especially in India. Keane, avoiding the triumphalism of global democracy’s most boisterous pundits, cautions that democracy today is more fragile than ever and that, unless major corrective measures are taken, we may be sleepwalking our way into even deeper trouble."

    Find the review on


    At this:


  4. 1 day ago on Views of the World

    Oh- but we couldn’t possibly take a break from endangering pedestrians while entertaining ourselves with our SUV infotainment, contributing to the type 2 diabetes epidemic in front of our big screens and most of all filling our minds with hate and rage from the antisocial media in our pocket prosthesis fondle slabs to, horror of horrors, um, READ BOOKS.

  5. 6 days ago on Joel Pett

    These are the ACTUAL commandments :

    The Commandments, wrought by His Noodly Appendages.

    A key part of being a devout pastafarian is to know and live by the 14 commandments:

    1. Thou Shalt Have No Other Dishes Before Me.

    2. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Alfredo.

    3. Thou Shalt Not Cook Thy Pasta In Vain. Always al dente.

    4. Thou Shalt Not Eat At Olive Garden For It Is An Abomination In Mine Eyes.

    5. Honor Thy Parmesan And Romano.

    6. Thou shalt twirl the fork upon the stillness of the spoon.

    7. Thou shalt wear one eye patch at a time.

    8. Eat, drink and be merry should be in the running, if it so pleases the Maker.

    9. Respect the whims of the Midgets, for they are blessed amongst humans, being created first by his noodly appendage.

    10. Thou shalt not serve me with powdered macaroni and cheese sauce.

    11. Thou shalt not fling pasta upon the wall in an attempt to determine if the pasta is done cooking yet.

    12. Thou shalt not stick.

    13. Avenge not thy wrongs, but noodle thy enemies.

    14. Love thy neighbor like a side order of garlic toast.

  6. 6 days ago on Brian McFadden

    Anywhoo, even if BO’s current victims can’t figure out just how pointless it is to debate a troll spewing science-y nonsense for no purpose other than seeing just how much it can provoke and enrage, most people will have read this particular McFadden ’toon by now :)

  7. 6 days ago on Brian McFadden

    My apologies to anyone who actually read all this BTW

  8. 6 days ago on Brian McFadden

    The Politico report on think tanks tied to the Koch Bros is a fun read to see why think tanks are in the ‘verify before trusting’ category – in stark contrast to the R1 universities.

  9. 6 days ago on Brian McFadden

    Turns out this is an area of some interest and UPENN’s “Public Policy Research Think Tanks” is a decent place to start..

  10. 6 days ago on Brian McFadden

    The obvious candidate for other organizations here are what are colloquially referred to as ‘think tanks’, with the obvious caveat that as in unaccredited, unranked and unregulated organizations, the potential for bias (think State Policy Network) is huge..