It’s SEAL as in SesAirandLAnd, not seal as in an a aquatic mammal. SEALS/Navy/Marines(who are under the dept of the Navy all have Corpsmen assigned to them. Army/Air Force have Medics. Medics and Corpsmen do the same job. The job of a battlefield (or ship board) EMT
Well, you’d be wrong. 1st of all, “Medics” in the Navy are called Corpsmen. 2ndly, they are the ones who go out with the Marines and Navy personnel, and are their medical providers. They are the ones who treat gun shot wounds on the battle field, etc etc. Think more like an EMT.
I find it amazing that Bernice, is always so snarky, with her best ‘friend’, about men/boys, yet, she’s been in just as many weird type follow guys around relationships.
actually no. You’re paying for the scent, moisturizers, etc that most women want. Men generally give 2 hoots about that stuff, so it’s not as complicated formula. It is changing because now men care more and are wanting that same stuff.
Or you could be the adult and tell her to knock it off