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Recent Comments

  1. about 2 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    I love this comic, it reminds me of all the joy to be found in the world!

  2. 3 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    I think he should be thrown into the bay to see if he has any of his mom’s mermaid abilities. Give him five minutes.

  3. 3 months ago on Big Nate

    Good for you, Daphne!!

  4. 5 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    Perfect opportunity for Gary to show up with a sandwich.

  5. 7 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    No no no no don’t cut down that tree

  6. 7 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    No! It’s already home to a number of forest creatures!

  7. 7 months ago on Crabgrass

    Fluffy bunnies?

  8. 7 months ago on The Born Loser

    He’s wearing a Phi Beta Kappa key, making sure it is prominent.

  9. 7 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    Chronologically, perhaps, but emotionally….?

  10. 7 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    I especially enjoy seeing the characters from different perspectives, such as in the first panel. It is difficult to do well.